Chapter 12

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With Alex recieving the news that he has to be enrolled in afterschool sports nothing could make today worse. Because of course that now meant he would run the risk of being late for the dinner. Zack had no input on the matter because he'd of loved to add even more sports to his schedule so in his eyes Alex was lucky. Alex being Alex made his way down to the field to the sports department just to check yet again the exact time he needed to be there. Although as he skipped a long with Zack, he heard something that instantly made his ears prick. "Uhm- Zack man I gotta go- I just realis- remembered something. Catch you later." Before scattering of round the corner and pressing himself against the wall, he heard the shouting of someone's name. Not just anyone, Jack. Jack Barakat. Alex braced himself as he peeped around the brick edges to see him being pushed against the tree by Rian. Alex had never acknowledged Rian until lunch, as he walked away Alex heard exactly what Rian had asked the table about him and Zack. Alex had also saw exactly how Jack slammed his tray down once he caught eye contact after Alex sat had stared, almost waiting for Jack's response to the question raised, but never hearing it. He listened to what was being said and managed to make out most of it.

One thing that caught Alex off guard was when Rian came storming back around the corner, not looking at, but straight through him. By now Alex knew Rian had been made aware that he'd heard basically every word thrown between them. Again he watched, how Jack had just slumped against the trunk of the tree, curving his back against it and picking at the grass. He also noticed how it was only the two of them on the field, with everyone else being in lesson. Once an idea ran through Alex's mind, he carried it out. Slowly striding up to the tree and even though he was curious as to why the school had a tree taking up the mass of the universe near the tracks, he climbed it and pretended he hadn't seen Jack. Jack had taken full notice of him and stopped picking at grass and sulking and now had his own idea. "You know it's kind of rude to take someone's spot?" He shouted up to the other boy, seeing his head pop out from a branch. "You know it's kind of rude the way you treat girls?" Jack wasn't expected that as a comeback but he took it, smirking to himself. "You're just as clueless as everyone else, cute." The last word was added sarcasm, he originally intended but maybe calling Alex cute wasn't such a bad thing after all he wasn't meant to hear it.

"Cute, huh." Alex thought outloud, making Jack aware he had heard it. Another thing that Jack didn't expect was when the boy was actually grinning down on him. "It wasn't a compliment so don't take it as one." Alex placed a hand on his chest, faking a gasp. "So being called cute is an insult? My whole life has been a lie." This actually caused Jack to giggle, not laugh or cackle, giggle. It came as no surprise when the only person wasn't giggling was the rather unamused looking Maths teacher, who was wondering where he had been. It wasn't like Jack to miss a class. He was good in lessons, straight A's, he would just rather pay someone else to do the work to look better. It was in there somewhere deep down inside him, he was just like Alex. But that was deep down and there was no way to dig out the old version that people would much rather prefer, or was there?

Neither of them really understood it.

They hate one another, absolutely despise them.

Alex has complete different opinions and morals to Jack.

Alex believes that people deserve respect, whereas from what he'd heard beforehand Jack didn't feel the same.

Jack believed that sleeping around would get you popular, believed.

Now really all Jack believed in was happiness.

But to gain happiness, you need respect. Right?


Kinda short I apologise x100 but Im probably updating again tomorrow so woo I think?


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