Chapter 8

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Alex's POV

With a week since the events taking place at the musuem, I've not spoken to anyone, apart from Zack and my Mom. I wasn't sure why it hit me so hard what Lisa said, it wasn't the fact of what she'd done but what Jack had done. But I just had to get on with it I mean sitting here in the middle of the Chemistry sulking was not going to solve anything. "Lex? You still haven't wrote anything for the past hour." Zack nudged me, glancing at my page. I hadn't even realised. With not seeing Jack for a whole seven days I thought I'd forget how he looked, with his stupid hair and his stupid smile an- "Gaskarth. I expect to see you back here for a detention straight after school." I was totally fine with that because It's not like I'd have anything better to do with my spare time. Mr. Briggs was most likely to call my Mom and I was not okay with that, not one bit. Zack was gone within a blink of the eye because he refused to be late for his next class as always. As I went to throw my bag onto my back I realised the jacket that fell out of it wasn't mine, I mean it was Blink but it wasn't even my size. I zipped my bag back up and clung onto the jacket in attempts to find some sort of name tag and when I stuck my hands in the pockets, I wished I hadn't.

Scrumpled up in a ball was what seemed to be a note but with the fact the ink had ran, it was barely understandable apart from the scrawny writing of 'Jack' at the bottom. Sighing I realised it would have to get it back to him somehow which meant talking to him and that made me feel sick inside. I'd never approved of the whole 'sex underage' deal let alone one night stands, that was probably worse. I still decided to carry the jacket around until I found my seat in Science and saw Zack's confused face instantly look it up and down. Reaching for my phone out of my pocket I realised where I'd sat, the wrong seat, not anyone's seat but Lisa's and this was not going to end well. I knew I was right when both Jack and Lisa came in one after another although she didn't kick off, she just sat practically on Jack's lap even though he looked at her in pure digust. For the first half of the lesson I decided to just take notes on whatever was being said only waking up fully when a basket was slammed onto my desk.

"Take one and pass it on." I frowned once I saw that in the basket was condoms, did sex education really need to be taught every month? "It's okay Sir, he wouldn't even know what to do with one, let alone use it." There she was again, cackling away to herself and touching Jack like she owned him which I only growled in response whilst passing the basket down to the back of the class where said person was sat. The one thing that got my attention was how Zack actually took one, maybe two, I mean when Lisa did that was expectable. More than that, no one had even paid attention to her when she did so. But when Jack barged me into the wall earlier I felt something different, he was playing the jerk but I actually liked him better that way.

Jack's POV (oOooOhh)

"Take one and pass it on." My head shot up at the same time as Alex's did, he really didn't look okay. As I went to get my jacket out of my bag I realised it wasn't there. "It's okay Sir,  he wouldn't even know what to do with one, let alone use it." Why Lisa persisted on digging at him and getting at him I really didn't understand because honestly he wasn't intrested anyway, but if he wasn't then why did he get so frustrated when I was with her? I simply took one once it came round because hell, everyone else had but as soon as the bell went I waited till the last person was leaving when I put it in the bin. I mean I'm digusting right? It's not like I was ever going to actually use it. I sighed watching Alex dart straight in front of me, blocking me out and not even acknowledging me for a split second. What was this kids deal? Can I not be friends with him atleast? I guessed not. Honestly I just wanted to be bad enough for him, being a pushover gets you nowhere right? I was going to have to make him hate me just enough to make him want me.

Looking at the date that was glowing on my phone I remembered I still had an after school that I could easily escape but given that Alex had gone into that room, it was time to be a real asshole to him.


*plays Bad Enough For You in the background bc convenient*

Something's happening here maybe Jalex maybe not hruhrrhr

vote - comment - tell me how crappy it is bc ik


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