Chapter 13

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This chap and next fit together really well so probably post that tonight too.

With the bell going earlier than usual, Alex didn't see the harm in going to practice for his enrollment. He had a good few hours before he was supposed to be meeting his mom to go for the meal. Successfully reaching the lockers he began to get changed into his kit, afterall he was in the only one there right? His shirt was a little too baggy but he couldn't care less. From what Zack had been telling him Alex really did want to get into the sports side. Collecting a ball from the shelf he headed out into the indoor courts, cutting through the gym, only knowing it existed because of Zack.

Give or take a few minutes at the least and he was already frustrated. After deciding to put his earphones in and pretending the world didn't exist, Alex found himself shooting hoops with the ball instead of kicking it at walls and this certainly felt better. Just when he began to get into the swing of things with his aiming technique he found himself being knocked to the ground, clutching his iPod as close to himself as he could to avoid a crack or breakage. He couldn't figure out just who he crashed into until he heard his voice. Alex internally groaned, his plan of hating this guy was not working one bit. "Watch where you're going next time." Alex barged past him, putting his iPod onto the docking system, unaware of the autoplay. But honestly when Blink started playing he noticed how Jack instantly stopped what he was doing and stared as Alex attempted to slam dunk it into the net, failing. "I didn't know you shoot hoops too?" Jack chirped up, attempting a conversation. "Trying to." He groaned before taking his ball back from Jack's grasp, only to fail his aim again.

"Just let me h-" "Help? I'll pass on that one." Alex didn't understand why he was being like this with Jack but honestly he just wanted to concentrate and that was never going to work out with him around. "Fine whatever, don't come crying to me when you can't pass this simester." Jack smirked before taking the ball back. "You know you're kind of arrogant?" Alex decided to follow Jack. "Like I haven't heard that one before, mind you, I'm sure you've heard a lot of things just like the rest of the damn school." The taller of the two recieved a shrug from the other before he began to step and slide away, Jack knew exactly what Alex was doing. "That's travelling, that's real bad travelling." Jack snorts as Alex acts innocent. Jack wraps his arms under Alex's, lifting him up slightly as an attempt to get the ball. Ending up spinning him slightly as he did, which caused Alex to grin. "Jack, my ribs!" Alex breathed out after being spun round atleast ten times, still managing to giggle despite being dizzy. "Okay, okay just take the ball already." Alex dropped it as his breathing evened out.

"Okay so you just stand like this.." Jack positioned Alex correctly in line with the ball placed on a cone and lined to the goal. "Put this arm there." Alex couldn't deny the electric shock that ran through him as Jack pressed into him but managed to shrug it off. "Lift this leg." He grabbed hold of Alex's foot before letting it go slightly to indicate the motion he needed to repeat. And once Alex did a small run up and kicked it exactly in the centre he screamed before running straight into Jack, almost hugging him, maybe hugging him..okay he hugged him. To the extent where he possible squeezed the life out of him. The giggling stopped and Alex pretended he didn't feel the heat rising to his cheeks. Once he realised what he had done he awkwardly coughed before putting the ball under his arm and scooping up his bag, heading to the lockers once more. He was half way through grabbing his clean shirt when Jack made an appearance, hand out to Alex. "You left your iPod, there's good music but I didn't feel like steal-" "Yeah thanks." Alex cut him off, placing the ipod in his pocket and turning around to put his shirt on fully.



*dun dunn duhh*

If this is like getting bad pls let me know okay ty


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