Chapter 18

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Alex had been turoting Jack for two whole weeks now, every night after school and even the odd weekend day that Jack wasn't working. Although Alex pushed it aside, Zack realised how Jack wouldn't speak to Alex in school. Not even a small hi or smile, completely nothing. He really didn't want to see his best friend be treated this way, like he was being used, because he deserved better. I mean Jack could at least be decent enough to actually communicate with Alex after what he's doing for him, right? Zack was ever too fond of Jack but he saw straight through him, his whole facade.

But that night it go late. Jack had never stayed at anyone's apart from Rian's this late and he knew his Mom would refuse to pick him up because he had his own car. Although seeing as that morning he decided to walk to school, he didn't have his car or keys on him and he knew what that meant.

"Hey, Alex it's kinda late an-" "Yeah, you can go home now. I mean like if you want, I'm not shoving you out or anything I promise because that's rude and yeah." Alex diverted his eyes to his guitar strings once he realised he totally just mumbled yet again. "Well, no I was gonna ask if I can stay over? I know it's a Saturday tomorrow and all and I'm working but I'm kinda scared of the dark so.." Jack felt his whole face turn a shade of burning red although Alex didn't laugh, he just simply excused himself to ask his mum.

Alex's POV

Jack Barakat scared of the dark? Cute. It was actually cute. "Hey, Mom? Dad?" I began to search the house until they called back from the kitchen with a simple "in here!" I forgot about dinner, I guess I didn't hear them calling. "So it's kinda late and I didn't realise the time so I was wondering if-" "Yes, Jack can stay. Just fetch the extra pillows from the cabinet." I didn't understand how my Dad was so okay with this but whatever. Once I pulled a chair up I hopped onto the kitchen side, I was smaller than the rest of the family clearly. Just as I reached forwards, the opening of the door shuck my balance and sent the pillows flying. I looked down at a feather haired filled Jack and couldn't help but laugh although he really did look adorable.

"Alex! This is not funny you ass!" He yelled before I let out a small squeal, to which he grinned. He gently shoved me backwards causing me to fall, over-dramatically of course. I watched as he walked away, holding back a laugh. "You're gonna regret that." I groaned to which he stopped in his tracks before picking up his pace. "You're too fucking fast!" I let out through taking breaths. Here I was chasing Jack around my trampoline at almost one in the morning. Zack wouldn't be pleased. Once I was practically on the back of Jack's shoe he yelped, "No Alex, No!" And yeah that was hilarious to me. However before I had the chance to grab him my Dad yelled out the window to us. "Alex! It's too late to be playing like children. Bed. Now." Slamming his window and returning to bed, we decided to do the same.

It became evident that we were both having to sleep in my bed and I didn't feel right. "Idiot." He spat towards me while jokingly pouting. "Nimrod." "Dickface." "Bastard." Once I was too tired to think of anymore comebacks I retorted to physical abuse, not verbal. "Hey! Don't hit me back, that's not how it works!" I squeaked before hiding my face under the covers yet that didn't stop him.

Give it half an hour and we were full on wrestling, I'm not even sure how this happened. Jack raised a hand to his neck and chest in pain before scampering to the mirror. "These look like hickeys dammit!" He freaked out, why was it such a problem? "Jack seriously who cares I mean people know what you-" I was cut off by Jack placing his hand over my mouth, I held back the temptation to bite him. Expecting him to shout I flinched and shut my eyes but when I opened them he closed his mouth and shook his head, clambering into my bed. The floor was comfy if I tried hard enough so that would be the best option.

Jack's POV

Despite Alex being fully in a deep slumber I couldn't help but feel bad about him sleeping on his own floor. I mean after all I was the guest. After a couple of hours I decided to stop staring at him and pick him up. Placing him against the wall and throwing half the cover over him I realised he was still fast asleep, wasn't he? I turned to face him and he was in fact still asleep. Alex looked kind of, different? at this angle. I couldn't put my finger on it. It was somewhere along the lines of adorable but that couldn't right. Who was I kidding it totally was.

Alex is adorable, of course he is. The next thing I did was completely unexpected but I couldn't help myself. I had watched how Alex's hair fell over his eyes when his head turned and it was killing me. I reached out with my bony hand and brushed it away, I knew his hair would be soft.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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