Chapter 15

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Okay okay okay so I haven't updated in like forever I know but since I last did I got presale for both wembley and the Birmingham date of the co-headline tour! And I also now have two tweets from alex, two from rian, once from jack and one from zack! I hope people still read this idek.

Zack was a bit taken back how Alex strode up to his door instead of the other way round, early too. Maybe too early. "Oh, Alex..hi?" When he looked up all he saw was Alex grinning to himself but attempting to stop with his teeth tugging his at his lip. All Zack could do was furrow his eyebrows and shake it off. "What brings you here so early?" He had to ask, he was interested and also slightly concerned. "I'm not sure, I just kind of went with waking up earlier and having breakfa-" "Woah wait. Alex Gaskarth had breakfast? Are you ill?" He was defiently the typical teenager when it came to breakfast. He avoided it as much as possible but there was just something. Maybe it was a kick up the backside to do something with his life or a spark and either way he didn't understand what was happening. With Zack constantly asking he couldn't answer him everytime because how was he meant to explain something he didn't understand himself?

On the other hand Jack felt like death. He was running late already, he'd missed a lift with Rian and the school bus so he didn't see the point in even making an attempt today. Although he still did. He had to keep his 'apperance' up. He really did wonder how much longer he could carry it all on without something changing it, well someone rather than something but that wasn't happening anytime soon. But then again, now he was alone and no one asking where he was going he could actually attend his extra class. He knew he'd get in trouble come the time when his parents would meet with school because his dad would certianly be mad. But he really wasn't interested in anything other than music, if only he knew who else would already be in the same room.

Alex strode down the back of the class only to find his seat was taken by the others but Zack still managed to find room for him just a few rows in front but he couldn't complain because it was still a seat. "You know I'm just going to bug you for eternity until you tell me what's made you like..well this." Zack was enjoying this far too much, winding Alex up for the fun of it. As the lesson went on and every settled down Alex decided to check his phone, which he'd regret. Zack scanned the screen from beside him seeing the name 'Lisa' printed at the top of the message before taking it from Alex's grip and into his own pocket. "Hey what the fu-" "Alexander, no swearing!" The teachers voice roared from the desk at the front but Alex only ignored it. "What're you doing talking to a girl like that?" Zack's words probably sounded harsher than Alex wanted them to. "What's the supposed to mean?" "You know what it means. She's trash and you don't need someone like that." Alex didn't like her he really didn't but she made him flustered and uncomfortable and not in a good way. He was terrified of her. "So I need someone like who exactly?" Alex just wanted an answer that was all. He wanted to know who he should spend hours of everyday fantising over and who he should hopeless chase but never manage to speak to but all Zack did was shake his head. At that exact moment Jack entered the class and slumped his bag down before crossing his arms onto his desk, resting his head against them like a pillow. Whispers and sentences were exchanged about him and he knew it although he just kept his head down until he heard the laughter of someone. Not just any 'someone' it was Alex. But he wasn't laughing at Jack or joining in, he wasn't sure if he'd even been seen by him but still. Alex was in his own little buttle, so innocent and unaware of the world unfolding around him.

The bell sounded to signal that they were half way through the first period of music, having doubles made Alex even happier. "Dude, he's been staring at you for like an hour." Zack nudged his sides before snapping him out of staring into the distance. "I'm trying to do my work can you just stop talking already?" Alex really tried to be annoyed with him but he couldn't. Zack was his best friend. "If anyone's talking too much it's you! You read everything outloud to yourself and you just sit there making these weird ass noises li-" Zack stopped his mouth running when he saw Jack listening into there conversation but as soon as both boys were looking Jack diverted his eyes to Zack, not Alex now. "Zee, Jack's kinda.." The look on Alex's face wasn't readable at all. It was kind of a mix of a reaction to Jack being in his class, Jack actually taking music and the fact Jack was totally staring at his best friend. "Maybe he likes you or something." Alex spat and he felt bitter for it but he didn't even understand that. Would it really matter to him if Jack did like Zack in that way? It shouldn't but it did. Alex began to file everything away in his bag and slung it onto his back. "See you tonight." He sighed before walking out. He ignored the calling of his teacher and questions being threw at him but he didn't look back, maybe if he did he'd of seen Jack follow his lead.

Alex's POV

Once I was sure that no one else was even around I threw my head against the back of the locker row and groaned to myself in frustration. Maybe I swore a little too, just maybe. It was quiet enough to hear a conversation at the end of the hall and he knew exactly who it was. "So why'd you skip first two?" "I told you, I was late." "And I told you I saw you walk in the gates, dammit Jack stop lying to me! You're even lying to yourself, It's like- I don't even know you anymore." I felt the stab to the chest those words would of created to the person who was hearing them, I've heard it before. The other person seemed to of left given the steps of converse sliding along the path but they came to a stop. I looked down at the shoes, not being able to look up for the sake of saving whatever dignity I had left.

"Hey, um, I know you sorta hate me but could you do me a favour?" It was Jack. Of course it had to be him. I kept quiet and I wasn't even sure why. We weren't friends, we weren't enimies. "I'm taking that as a yes so you're kinda stuck with me." A bag swung down beside be followed by a full body cramping itself inbetween me and the wall. "So my dad completely hates the idea and even the sound of the word 'music' and that's where my problem lies. You see you're obviously in another league to me with all this so I was wondering if you'd be able to help me, as a peasant, to learn how to play the damn guitar."

Alex grinned at how Jack had called himself a peasant but hid his face in his folded arms, only his hair visibly moving when he nodded. "You're gonna owe me big time." His voice was only at a quiet level, making as little sound as possible but Jack still heard it. "Maybe if you stop staring at my best friend, I'll feel a little more comfortable." Jack was taken back by the response and was too confused to reply. "I saw you from accross the room, boggly eyed at him." Alex laughed to himself at how stupid it sounded. "That's where you're wrong. I was actuall-" "Checking out the hot girl the row behind us?" Alex wasn't even sure if the girl behind them was hot but she was female, there for he would find her attractive. He could feel Jack's eyes burning into the side of his head and with free period approaching Alex sighed before mumbling about going to meet Zack, leaving Jack with his head hung into his lap. Once he reached the corner as the bell went he was greated by Zack with an unimpressed look on his face. "Spill the fricking beans."

I'm sorry if this is really bad which is probably is and it took me a few weeks or maybe a month but yeah.

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