Chapter 2

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Alex's POV

Moving school mid way through grades and simester probably wasn't the best idea my parent's have had, including country but nevermind. Atleast it was a decent place, nothing like the suburbs of Brooklyn. Don't get me wrong it was a pretty city but I just couldn't live there. Essex was never too bad for me I guess, Mum was unhappy for a few months with Dad because of other reasons I don't want to mention because I'll get bad again, but I'm their only child from the marriage. Baltimore, MD. Maryland. A new start, no not a new me. Do you know how cliche that stuff is? You don't just change because you live somewhere new. I'm still staying as me, Alex Gaskarth. That kid with the buck teeth and a pretty sick taste in music. No one's ever said that but I am, that's how I see myself so it's sorted. My alarm probably became ten times louder because we don't live near train tracks anymore which wasn't good because now it was my first day and my head was pounding. I had no idea what people were going to be like, I didn't really care much about other people's opinions which was over all a nice thing I guess, it meant I didn't really get hurt. Which suited me just fine. "Alex! Breakfast!" My dad called before I cluttered down the stairs with my jeans only half way up one leg and socks in hand. "I thought this school would be better because it starts later but it also ends later." I made a mental note to myself outloud which caused my mom to laugh to herself, "You have to have six hours of school, Lex, you know that." Yeah I did I just wished it wasn't true.

I made my way through the gates, managing to only say a few 'sorrys' and 'excuses me's to people we refused to move. My accent must of stuck out like a soar thumb here dammit. "Are you lost or something?" A blonde girl appeared, she was short-ish with big blue eyes, kind of beautiful I guess. Not exactly my type though I guessed. "No thank you, I'm just thinking." I slowly nodded to myself to say that yes, I had just successfully made myself look like a douche caneo. "Suite yourself." She  spat before turning on her heals, wasn't she used to hearing the word 'no'? Probably not.I made my way down the corridoor that had a small, plump, woman with big glasses sat at a desk at the very end of it. Informing me I was on the complete opposite side of school that I needed to be within the next five minutes. I hooked my bag back onto my shoulder before scattering by classrooms full until I found 'A47' I'd made it just as the bell went. The whole room was already sat down. I knocked on the door which really was commonc courtesy but it gained everyone's attention along which the teacher who had now signalled for me to come in with a wave of a hand. "Sorry to intterupt but I'm new today and I seem to be in this class?" Pretty much everyone's jaws dropped from my accent, this was not going to go away anytime soon. I recieved a nodding of the head and was asigned a seat at a single desk on the side of the class, I would of killed for a window seat. "If you get here early, you can." A small voice spoke up from the buff body that was slumped in his seat to my right. "Oh cool." I nodded quickly before getting on with the task that was only just set even though no one else but the guy next to me was. 


If anyone thinks I should continue this then please do tell me as I'm probably just gonna delete it by next weekend if not


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