Chapter 17

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Jack's POV

I was awoken by an angry May, infact no a very angry May. Why? Well I was about to find out. "Jack! You're going to make me late, get the fuck up!" She yelled into my ear. I simply wafted my arms around before finding my balance and once I had I sighed with happiness. Deciding that it wasn't even worth making an effort with my hair this morning I tumbled into my skin tight jeans and kept the same shirt on that I had slept in. What? It wasn't like anyone would notice, jheez. Before I could get yelled at by my cranky sister once again I skipped out the door. Although I wasn't expecting to to se who I did. "Oh sorry man!" Zack jumped slightly and held his hands up. Cutting off my reply I heard Alex laug- no not laugh, giggle infact, at the fact my hair looked static. Hopelessly I tried to flatten it but of course that didn't work. "You're free tonight, right? For kinda-thingy?" I scratched the back of my neck in an attempt to make it seem more casual than not. "I uhh- yeah yeah totally that's grea- fine. That's fine, like ok I mea-" "What Alex is trying to say is that he'd more than happy to help and so he wiill." Zack cleared that up, as well as the conversation. "Well I'll see you later, Alex." I walked in the opposite direction and began the half hour walk to the worst place to exist, school.

Slumping down in my chair and dropping my bag to the floor I began to fill out the simple work sheet in front of me, science had never been one of my strongest subjects. "Shit fuck fuck." I grumbled once my pen had exploded only to have a packet of tissues and a new pen slid accross my desk. I looked up to see Zack trying not to laugh, that kid hardly spoke but since Alex has been here he's changed. "Thanks bro it's just one of those days." Although he didn't reply instead he chose to blankly stare at me. "Take a picture, it'd fucking last longer." I snapped and I shouldn't have because honestly he was friends with Alex and if i was going to get guitar lessons I had to at least try and be nice. But whatever, I could totally get them from someone else if I needed them that badly. I mean the only reason I was being soft on Alex was for the lessons, right?

Throughout the day I felt as if Rian was avoiding me. I mean he hadn't been in any of my lessons all day and now I was watching the last few seconds tick. But it was only when the bell went I realised what today was, quaterbacks. I'd gone and missed one of the most important days within the team. With any luck I'd be dropped from it, is that too much to ask? Definitely. Once the bell roared everyone crashed into one another, squeezing into any available gap within the corridoor. Although the caramel head of hair that popped up beside me totally made that okay.

Alex's POV

Once the bell rang I pushed my way through the hundreds of people aligned outside my class door and ran towards the messiest hair I could have ever seen. When it became obvious he hadn't seen me I decided that perhaps pretending I hadn't seen him would totally work too. And surprisingly it did. Maybe I wasn't imaging both of his arms on my waist as he pushed me forwards and out of the way of everyone else. But I had to of imagined the way his arms rested there just a little bit longer once we reached the front gates. "Ready?" I threw a smile and recieved a nod, starting the walk to my house. "Just go straight up the two sets of stairs, turn left and then go straight ahead, I'll be up in a sec." And with a simple nod, Jack was off. He hadn't said much during the walk home, just small laughs or nods and honestly I'd never seen him like this. "Mom I'm home!" No reply, typical.

When I opened my door I didn't expect to see Jack sat on the very edge of my bed, twiddling his thumbs. Holding back a sigh, I set my guitar down beside him and had one of the best ideas I'd had in a while. After rumaging through my bag I finally found my ipod and hooked it up to the mains of my speakers. "C'mon pick a song, not blink though." Jack chuckled at that and finally stood up and took the ipod into his own hands. flicking thorugh aimlessly yet still being concentrated and careful not to miss one. Seeing as it could take a while I sat myself back down and plaed the guitar on my lap. I coudln't help the grin that spread accross my face once I heard the opening to Time Of Your Life. Muttering the simple chords to mysel I began to completely lose myself. But once th song had skipped to the next I wasn't expecting to open my eyes and see the skunk haired boy sat crossed legs in front of me, staring in awe. "Fucking teach me that. Now. Right now!" He shuck my shoulders before taking his original seat on my bed.

It took the pair at least three hours but by the end of it, Jack could play half the song with assitance but it was better than nothing. It got to a point where Jack was honestly on the edge of tears because he just wanteed to be able to play the damn song. And he definitely hit Alex a few times out of frustration but he was okat with that. Alex's mum would occassionaly stick her head around the door frame to check up on them or offer them something to eat but they wouldn't take notice. She wasn't sure exactly what to say when her son arrived home that night, hiding a boy in his room, that wasn't Zack for that matter. And even when Alex told her the boy wasn't his friend, she could tell he really was. So when both Jack and Alex would try and deny it the following days, both Zack and Alex's mum would know different.

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