My arm was linked with his as we walked down the glossy hallway. He had picked me up at my room and was now taking me to the pond. He gave me very little details about the date and left me to discover everything myself.
"What's it like at home, for you?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"What do you do... at home?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "I haven't met many people in my life who aren't royalty. I'd just like to know what regular people do at home."
"Well, I don't do much really. I just sleep and eat, but my brother and mom clean and do some work." I explained.
"Like what?"
"Mom dusts and sweeps. Basically all the regular things to keep the house clean and Jake, well I'm not really sure what he does. I'm never home during the day."
"Well then, what do you do during the day?"
I moved my hands around as I spoke. "I work for a family of Two's as a gardener. I've had that job since I was six, but have picked up more hours since my dad died."
"I'm sorry." He mumbled.
"It's okay." I assured. "It happens more than you think."
"Might I ask how he died?"
I nodded. "He had just gotten his paycheck from work and went to the store to pick up some food items for home. He payed for everything , but the shop owner thought he stole something. The shop owner and Dad got in a large fight; Dad with his fists and the shop owner had a knife hidden." I swallowed. "My dad knew the fight wasn't worth it and turned to run away, but the shop owner got him with the knife before he left.
"The guards found him dead that night and went into further investigation in the morning." I sniffed. "I never said goodbye. I didn't get to. He was gone before I had the chance."
"I'm so sorry, Grey." He said sincerely as he motioned me towards a hillside that overlooked the pond.
There was a folded blue blanket and a wicker basket set up under a small tree. Everything was so perfect. It almost looked like a picture.
"A picnic?" I looked to him with my brows raised and forehead scrunched together.
"I thought it seemed appropriate." He laughed.
I began to unfold the blanket as he set up the food. There looked to be mini sandwiches, watermelon cubes, and some sort of dessert. It all looked really delicious.
Benetton motioned for me to sit down and followed suit. He unwrapped a sandwich from its clear plastic wrapping and dove in. I laughed as he gobbled the sandwich down in no less than two minutes.
"What?" He asked, mouth full.
"Nothing." I said with a laugh.
He pointed his finger at me jokingly, saying this wouldn't be the end of this. I played along by giving him a pointed stare which made us both laugh.
Once he swallowed, he started. "You were talking about you brother before. What were you saying about him?"
I lifted my head in thought. "He doesn't do much during the day, or at least he says he doesn't do much. I have my theories."
"Do tell."
"I secretly thinks he wants to be a chef." I smiled. "Some days our food is cooked differently. I think he cooks it during the day and leaves it for us at night. Some days my mom doesn't even cook, so it must be him."
"Interesting theory. I may have to interrogate him." He chuckled.
I nodded and finished my watermelon.
"You seem to like the melon." He pointed. "I must say, I prefer the doughnut."
"That's what it is!" I exclaimed looking at the small, doughy pastry
"You've never had a doughnut before?" He asked, skeptical.
"No?" I said. It was more like a question than a statement. "What is it?"
"It's like dough," He explained. "But fried. Fried dough. Sometimes they even put frosting and sprinkles on top."
"Sprinkles?" I joked.
"Don't even get me started." He rolled his eyes.
I grabbed one of the doughnuts and bit in. It was flaky and soft and absolutely perfect. I grabbed a second almost immediately after I finished the first.
Benetton laughed. "Remind me to never let you near another doughnut again."
I laughed and finished my third doughnut. I was starting to feel sick after so many.
Benetton grabbed my hand and plodded down to the bank. He grabbed a fistful of something and began feeding the ducks in the pond. He handed me some of the mysterious food and continued to feed the ducks. It looked to be some sort of bread, but better because the ducks hobbled it down like it was a fresh pie from the bakery. I rubbed my key necklace at the thought of a bakery and home.
One particular duck favored me, so I fed it more than the rest. Charles. I named the duck Charles.
Benetton just shook his head at my new friend and continued to feed the ducks and the random goose that showed up the mysterious food. Everything went kind of quiet except for the constant quacking of the ducks. I finished my bread and began to just pet the ducks, as I saw Benetton do the same.
All of a sudden, I felt a cold splash and realized I was in the pond. He pushed me. He was laughing on shore and pointing.
I wouldn't go down without a fight, so I splashed him with water. Lots and lots of water. His clothes weren't going to survive this. He could just buy new clothes, he was the Prince after all.
I needed revenge, so when he wasn't looking I climbed out of the water and pushed him in. "Who has the high ground now?" I taunted.
"You," he pointed. "But not for long."
I felt my leg go out from under me as I was once again pulled under the water. Once I surfaced, I gave him a serious glare. He returned the glance.
"Always watch your legs. They're your downfall." He said right before I shoved his head under the water.
"Watch your words," I said when he came back up. "They're your downfall."
"Watch your words." He joked. "I am the Prince, I could have you executed."
"You started it, so therefore, I am not at fault here." I finished with a grin.
"Let's go back up to the shore and dry off. It's getting late." He said, hopping out of the water.
I nodded and followed him. He started to pack up the picnic basket while I folded the crumb ridden blanket. I saw him go still and looked up to see what happened.
He pointed to the sky. "Look. It's Scorpius."
I looked up to see a cluster of stars twinkling down at me. "I always just called it a scorpion, but your name sounds much cooler." I grinned while looking at the sky.
"What a great way to end the evening."
"You mean soaking wet?"
"No," he chuckled, "I mean looking at stars. I never get to do this anymore."
"Well," I started. "Let's do it sometime. I don't know all the constellations, so maybe you could teach me."
"That would be wonderful, Grey."
We walked to the palace, where he dropped me off at my room.
"Till we meet again." He smiled.
I nodded and went inside my room, grinning like an idiot. Why of all people, did I have to fall for the Prince, it could have been anyone, but the Prince.
I was so tired I barely even remember turning out the light.

The Appointed: A Selection Fanfiction
FanfictionGrey Harrick is just a gardener. She's nothing special compared to the other glamorous girls lined up to meet the prince. She's a Seven who needs the money to support her family, but when she's Selected, her ideas on Prince Benetton may change. Is h...