It had been one week since The Report, and my mother was getting excited for the episode this week where they announced the girls. I wasn't all that excited, but I wanted to know who was chosen.
We all sat down on the couch in front of the television, eager to see the chosen girls. The show began to start with the Illean National Anthem.
"Good evening, Ilea!" Carson smiled. "This must be a very exciting night for you, Prince Benetton, as well as every girl in Illea!"
"Yes, I'm very excited to see the ladies, Carson."
"Well, let the choosing commence!" Carson said excitedly.
He walked over to the podium in the center of stage and picked up a note card, that had the names of the girls and the province from which they were from.
"Alright," He began. "Paige Olsen of Kent."
A picture of a girl with blonde hair and green eyes popped onto the screen. I wondered what caste she was, considering her nice clothing. Before I could think any longer, he announce the next name.
"Arielle Corners of Carolina.
"Reagan Abernathy of Allens."
"Quinn Vale of Angeles."
Her picture looked rather nice as well, with her light blue blouse and wavy dirty blonde hair.
The next name to be called was the one that surprised me the most. I couldn't speak or even move. My mother erupted into cheers and I could hear my brother yelling "What?" in the background. It all surprised me because the picture was of me.
"Grey Harrick of Likely."
I couldn't believe I was chosen. I hadn't expected this and I didn't even want to go. I didn't even like the Prince.
Even though it was dark out, I ran out the door and around the back of the house. I sat down next to a rose bush with my legs to my side. I needed to be alone.
I'd have to leave my home province to move to Angeles, for who knows how long. I'd never see Walter or my brother or mother again, or at least for a long time. At least we would get some compensation.
I guess it was a good thing, though, because I would get the money to help my family. Even if I only stayed there for a few days, it would still be enough to feed us for a couple months. If there was one thing my family knew how to do, it was ration food and money.
I wasn't sure how long I stayed out back, but it was turning to day by the time I opened the front door to the house.. I went straight to my room, wondering if I'd need to bring anything with me to the palace. I was jarred from my thoughts as a knock sounded at the door.
"Grey, someone at the door says they need to speak with you." I heard my mother yell.
"I'll be right out." I replied, not wanting to leave the safe haven of my room.
As I walked out, I saw a man standing in the doorway holding a clipboard. He had the royal crest on his sleeve and looked very professional. He was probably here to discuss the rules.
"Hello, Miss Harrick." He said sharply. "As you know, you have been chosen to participate in Prince Benetton's Selection. This is a great honor, but you should know all the rules before you depart on Monday."
And with that, we began.
"You are not allowed to harm any other members of the Selected or the royal family. You may not request your times to meet with the Prince, he will request you. You are not allowed to have any other loving interests during your stay. You are property of Illea now, and if found with someone else, you are guilty of treason." He finally finished after an hour of protocol.

The Appointed: A Selection Fanfiction
FanfictionGrey Harrick is just a gardener. She's nothing special compared to the other glamorous girls lined up to meet the prince. She's a Seven who needs the money to support her family, but when she's Selected, her ideas on Prince Benetton may change. Is h...