Hurt and Offended

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Logic POV

I opened my eyes to stare at my clock it read 9:00am. My eyes widend, today is Monday, I needed to get up a full 30 minutes ago to work on Thomas' script with Prince. I hopped out of bed and ran to put on a fresh tie, and button up, and was on my way.

Morality POV
I woke up to realize I fell asleep in the middle of waiting for the friend, who never showed up. I guess he was to bussy to care for his friend, if thats even what I was anymore.
I sluged out of bed, and decided that I need to drown my sorrows in cookies, who needs breakfast when you're about to cry, am I right?

I walked out of my room to see Logan nearly rushing by, with a notebook and his trusty pens.
I encouraged myself to talk to him, but it was really hard.
"Uhm- h-hi Logan." I stated with a cracking voice, even just the sound of my voice made me want to tear up, yet I kept a smile, just for Logan.
But, after all that work, he didn't even bother he just stated quickly "Not right now Morality, i'm late!"
As he swifted by.

I just stood there for a second, maybe, I'll just stay inside my room for today.
I walked back in my room and closed my door behind me.

Heyyyy guyyyyz Happy Easter!!! Or if you don't celebrate it, happy UPDATE BOOK DAY!!!
I'm OMW to church so, see yall later!!!

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