Sad Dad

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Morality POV
I layed back down and cuddled with my favorite stuffed bunny, not even bothering to change out of my previous clothes from yesterday.

I looked around the room, the decorations, the trey of now old food, and the bright colors, were all still present.

I just wished I could be somewhere else. Somewhere, where there wasn't to much color.

I let myself drift off into sleep. Allowing clouded thoughts consume my mind.

Logan POV

Me and Prince were working hard on a new script. I made more of an  intilectual veiw on things, telling Princey when things got unreasonable, as in Prince wanting a waterslide, or a bowncey house, or a feild of bunnies (Easter theme lol).

Eventually it was enevidable that we would work our way into an argument, about what was reasonable for Thomas.
This argument obviously couldn't be settled easily, Roman wanted the video to turn into a story about how great he was, I thought of that being unreasonable.

There was only one eay to sort this out... Morality.

*OOOOOOOO double update yall*

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