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Logic pov

It's been a few months. Everyone's feeling better, Thomas has been emotionally stable, or dare shall I say, joyfull? I don't understand emotions well but I can tell the difference between standing idoly by and extreme happiness.

Anxiety and Prince have been hanging out alot, it's odd to see them as such close friends, i've never seen them hangout so much.

Me and Morality have been hanging out more also. We tend to only call eachother by our real names if were serious, which is rarely.

Tonight is another movie night with Morality, not that I enjoy movies all that much, but I wish not to see him in such a low state that he was a few months ago, and I find joy in seeing my 'best friend', as he calls it, so I am excited.

I go to make the popcorn and snacks, tonight is going to be wonderous.

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