Proclaimed love 3/4

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Logan pov


I looked up to see Thomas, Virg, Roman and a bunch of Thomas' friends surrounded by a sign that said "I love you Honey <3- Patton"

I turned around to see Patton with his arms out waiting for a hug. I jumped on him and, yet again, we fell to the ground. "Bear, you did this all for me?" I asked, looking into his eyes, those beautiful eyes I will never get tierd of.

"Hehe, yea. Only the best for you. This isn't even a museum, we rented out a ball room, just so we could dance the night away!" He giggled during his last statement.

I was taken a back, he really did all of this for me, just so we could go dancing!
"Oh bear! I love it so much, but I have no idea how to dance."
He smiled at me. "Remember all those times I snuck out of the house at around 6 in the afternoon, like every week day?"
He asked.

"Uhm yea?" I healed my breathe.
"Well during that time I was sneaking off to dance lessons, just so I could help you learn!"
I breathed out, for a second there I thought this was going to be one of those Korean dramas where a big party is thrown just to get the groom to be happy right up until the moment the wife looks him in the face and says "Oh yea, and by the way I'm having an affair, and I'm not only breaking up with you, but I lured you right into my trap." Then she proceeds to shoot down her groom with a 20 gage shot gun, which by the way is completely unnessisary you can get the same kill with a hand pistol, but it's a drama so I guess they were going for ghoulish overkill.
Okay I admit that wasn't actually a Korean drama, I'm just interested in writing really weird and erotic novels. I'LL BEAT 50 SHADES DARKER IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!
I really couldn't help but draw parallels from my novel to this, but that was most likely me jumping to conclusions.

Unless he read my 500 word essay inside the novel about how much I, the author, yes I write myself in my books shut up, wants to have a romantic gester such as someone teaching me how to dance after taking weeks of secret lessons... that sly devil. Oh that must mean he read the other part about my secret kinks and interests, oh I'm so using that to my advantage.

I shook my head shaking away thoughts of what I have prepared later tonight, and looked down at him.
"Well lets get this party started!" I yelled. I kissed him and he yelped, I think that surprised him a little.

I hopped up and let my hand out fir him to grab it.
He grabbed it and lifted himself up, brushing off his dress as we walked back inside. 

Everyone was talking and chatting, there was a live DJ getting set up, and Patton was jumping around excitedly. I looked around and everyone gave me a nod of aprovement.

The music soon started and we all began to dance the best we could, even though the only one there who could actually dance was Patton.

I watched Patton as a nodded my head to the music. His dress swirled around with him everytime he spun.

I of course, along with everyone else, began screaming the lyrics to Sweet Caroline, as soon as it came on. Of course I'm not much of a singer, but who can resist one of Gods greatest gifts, 90s hits.

Every song after that Patton was directing me how to dance. I learned to slow dance even though Party Rock was playing in the background.
I didn't really pay much attention though.

We stayed like that for hours and soon we heard and announcement that this next song was the last song of the night.

It was a slow song and both Patton and I were more than prepared, that didn't stop me from being extremely nervous. I was actually shaking, I didn't want to mess this up.

We started slow dancing and Patton could tell my nervousness. "It's alright honey, it's just me, just focus on me and I'll lead you."

I calmed down a little and looked straight into Pattons eyes. At that very moment time slowed down, my senses were heightened and my focus was all on Patton, no where but him.
I watched as his eyes sparkled and his dress glimmers and blinked.

I never ever want to let this feeling fade.
I turned him and dipped him conecting his lips with mine as the song began to fade out, we disconnected and looked at eachother in the eyes.

"Hey honey I gotta tell you something."
He stated.

"You can tell me anythin-"

"I'm having an affair!"
He yelled cutting me off.

I looked at his face to se him trying not to laugh.

I lifted him up from the dip.
"I knew you read my novels!"

"Yep!" He said and winked.

"I love you." I stated reconnecting. "I love you too."

We both walked out of the doors hand and hand.
I hopped in the passenger seat of the car and we drove.

We soon passed Thomas' turn.
"Uhh bear we passed the turn." I stated looki g at Patton, who didn't seem very worried.

"We have one more stop on our awesome date."
I giggled. "I can't wait."

The story is almost over ;-;
But I promise it'll be great!!

I love you all and thank you for reading my story i actually do want to publish a book I've been working on so this is great practice. Mabey oneday ill post ot here.

Also this was my longest chapter yet I hope yall liked it!!

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