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Morality POV

I walked into the living room to see Anxiety and Roman talking to Thomas trying to calm him down.

"H-hey guys" I stated. Everyone stopped and stared at me.
My stomach started to turn. Why did I do this?
I shook my head. This is for Thomas.
I sat down in frount of Thomas, he looked at me with a worried expression.
I had simpathy for him, it's my fault that he was having such a bad day.

I was being selfish and thinking more about me rather than him.
I sat down in frount of him, with Roman on his left and Anxiety on his right watching as I appologysed.
"Thomas I am so sorry, it's my fault that you feel so bad, and now everyone's worried, which I'm guessing is making you feel worse.

So I'm here to help!
I-I don't know how. But I'll find away.
How about we all watch a movie?"
I asked

" May I sugest a Disney movie?" Stated Roman.

"Of course lets let Thomas choose."

We both looked at Thomas.


I nooded and proceded to get the disk from the neet stack of D.V.Ds.

I pulled out Aladdin, then turned around to be met by Logan.
I almost hopped with joy at seing him, key word "almost", I then relized that I'm actually rather angry at Logan so I just walked past him and put the disk in the player.

"You're out of your room!" He stated with joy. I didn't say anything, hopefully he'll catch on.

I pressed play and sat on the couch.

I just want Thomas to feel better.

Whaaaa I was NOT lateeee to updateeee

Whatchu talking bout

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