Proclaimed Love (last chapter)

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Patton POV:

I was nearly hopping in my seat, if he thought that last date was great, than I have the feeling he'll love this one.
I was still a bit nervous, what if he he says 'no'?
What if he's actually having an affair.

I breathed in and out slowly, a little trick Virg taught me, I'm being rediculous. Logan wouldn't do that to me right? Right.
I parked the car and he looked around curiously and looked back at me.
"You took me to a park?"
He asked curiously.

I chuckled. "Not just any park silly, the park where we had our first date."
He looked around at the lightning bugs through the window. I chewed on my lip nervously. "Do you uhm, like this idea?" I asked looking down.
He grabbed my chin and lifted it up carefully to the point where I was looking into his eyes, he kissed me softly and I melted into his lips.
After a short amount of time he disconnected. "I love it Bear." He said softly staring into my eyes with passion.
I opend the car door and hopped out. "Well common, lets get this date started!"
He chuckled a little and walked over to my side of the car. He grabbed my hand and we made our way to the sidewalk.
We walked slowly and talked for ages about random crap. We talked about the reactions of everyone when we told them we were in a relationship. Thomas nearly passed out, Roman kept screaming over and over again about how he "knew it", and Virgil gave us an approving smile and a thumbs up.

I talked to Logan about how I would get advice from Roman about how to be romantic. We laughed, then he told me how he did the very same thing.

We talked about the stars and how bright they were. Logan started rambling about how some of those stars were actually planets, he pointed out Mars and Venus. He told me about constilations and a whole bunch of stuff about space in general.
I couldn't help but stare at him as he rambled. I listened to every word he said. He's just so perfect. I love him with all my heart and then some.
After he stopped we continued walking hand and hand letting the comfortable silence sit apon us like a warm blanket, and it's like really cold outside the blanket so you wouldn't really wanna take it off, even though sometimes it gets a little to hot under the blanket so you have to stick your toes out, but then your scared that your toes might be eaten by an under the bed demon, so you bring them in a little and let half of your body hang out of the blanket, but soon half your body gets cold so you have to turn over, or move the blanket, so you can warm up the other half of your body, and you're in a constant motion of swapping back and fourth, okay, I've taken this analogy to far. It was just comfortable silence.

After walking for a little we came to a big tree right next to the pond. It was lit by a few candles and a blanket. It looked almost like something out of a Robert Frost poem.

"Whats this?" He asked laughing a little.
"Tadaa!" I said holding up my hands and waving them side to side, jazz hands, the best way to show how happy you are.

We both sat down on the blanket and looked out on the lake. We were cuddled togeather, my head on his shoulder and his hand behind my back.
He rubbed soft little circles around my back.
It was so great.
I don't know how long we were sitting there, but neither of us cared.
I soon looked over to him.
I moved my position a little so I could look at him directly in the face. I carefully connected our lips.

After a while I cut us off and stood up. Here goes nothing.
Logan stood up too.
"Common I have something else to show you." He took my hand and we continued walking a little. I brought him to a little clearing, a little off trail in frount of the pond. We had one street light and we both stood directly underneath it.

With the bright moons light reflecting on the crystal like pond. There was not a single ripple in the water, it looked almost like a painting.

At that moment I took a deep breath, it's now or never.
I let go of Logan's hand.
No going back.

I pulled out a little box that I was hiding in my secret pocket under the dress, aka. my stockings.

I got down on one knee and took Logan's hand. 
He looked down at me with general surprise and curiosity.

I was shaking.

"Logan, I've never been so happy as I've been with you."
His eyes widened.
"I know we can't have a real wedding... but I was hoping you would at least take this ring, and, uhmm "
I paused.
"I would like to call you my husband."
I was freaking out but looking into Logan's eyes seemed to calm me down a little.

"Will you marry me?"
I said it so quickly and squinted preparing for the worst. Suddenly I heard a scream.


I looked up to see Logan in tears.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

And for the third time tonight, yes I was counting,  he knocked me down in a huge hug.

He quite literally bashed his lips into mine.

He said yes.


I can call Logan my husband!

We can be togeather forever!

We both sat up and stared at eachother for a bit. I put the ring on him and we healed eachother almost as if we were going to loose eachother if we let go.

For the rest of the night we stayed like that.
Holding eachother and sharing the occasional kiss.

This was truly the happiest moment of my life, and I think Logan can agree.


I'm crying everyone I'm actually crying!! I've worked so hard on this story and you know it means alot that all of you are here enjoying it with me I love all of you!!

Also there may or may not be a secret chapter coming up that has smut in it shhhh

But really that'll be the end of the book.

This is the official end.

I hope y'all loved it and had as much fun reading it ad I did writing it.

I love everyone of you
(yes even you Jazzy)

And I'll deffinetly miss this book.

Author chan- sign off
Peace 💕

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