Logic is confused

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"I don't know," I reasponded to Anxiety. "I've just been thinking about things."

"What sort of things?" I heard him ask.
"Well," I was pretty embarrassed at the fact that I've been caught up thinking about Morality. "I-uh I've just been worried about Morality, and I was afftaid that he may not like me," My eyes started wattering up. "I-I'm being illogical. But, what if I'm right w-what if he actually does dislike me? What if he's terminally ill? What if-"

I was cut off.

"Logic, you're begining to act like me." Anxiety stated. "Just relax, breathe, and think. Would Morality ever hate you, can Morality even hate anyone?"

I thought for a moment.
"I-I I don't know."

Then I heard a crash through the door. I looked out of my door, now with a broken handle, to see Morality standing right there with tears in his eyes.


New chapter folks.

I tend to have a habbit of writing chapters in my churxh bathroom while waiting on the next service to start. LOL

I'm just so awkward at church... wish me luck, new chapter soon!

A Blue Tie (Logicality) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now