Chapter 3

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I spent the next few days reminiscing over Niall and the rest of the boys. I stuck the note from my pocket on my mirror and read it every time I got ready in the morning. It had to be a joke. There's no way a huge celebrity like him would want to hang out with me! So I decided not to call him. If it really was even his number. He could have just been playing a practical joke on me and that number was the rejection hotline. That would hurt. But in the back of my head, I knew he wasn't like that.

So why didn't I call?

Rylee came over to my house a few days after the concert and saw the note on my mirror. One look from her, and I knew I was being stupid.

So I picked up my Iphone and carefully dialed the number. I tried to steady my breathing as the phone rang. And rang. And rang. And rang some more.

What would I say to him, if it was even him? "Good day, sorry I didn't call because I'm a wuss."? That was all that came to my head. Because it was the truth. I was so pathetic.

And obviously suffering from ADHD because my mind was still wandering while the beautiful voice picked up the other side of the phone and was repeatedly saying with his Irish accent, "Hello? Hellllooooo? Anyone there?"

I laughed at my ridiculousness. I'd have to get over it some time! I started hesitantly, "Niall?"

There was a pause at the other end of the line. He cleared his throat before he said questioningly, "Why haven't you called?"

I touched the bump on the back of my head and gave in to my stupid, honest reply. "I'm a wuss."

Niall laughed and asked me how my head was.

"There's still a big bump, but it's slowly going away. The doctors said I'm fine." I looked at Rylee, who was wide-eyed and grinning big.

"Woah woah woah now. It was bad enough that you had to go to the DOCTOR?" Niall kind of raised his voice.

I bit my lip. Now was not the time to tell him. "Just in case, you know? I have history with trauma to the head.” I quickly changed the subject. “But, anyways, I'm sorry for not calling you. I’m sure you’ve been super busy, though."

He laughed. "Not too much. Would you like to see a movie with me not tomorrow night, but the night after?"

I looked at Rylee again and mirrored her excitement. "Just you and me?"

"Yeah. Unless you want me to bring the boys...?" he trailed off hesitantly.

I shook my head as a reply and then smacked myself. He couldn't see me! "Pick me up at 7?"

"I don't know where you live!" We laughed shortly together.

Yet again, I looked at Rylee, except this time, my expression was hesitant. "How about I just meet you somewhere? The arena?"

Niall cleared his throat. "I'll meet you where the lawsuit occurred!"

I laughed nervously. "Okay. What are you still doing in Atlanta, anyways? Aren't y'all on tour?"

He laughed. "We're actually recording our new album down here for the next few weeks. It's some good stuff."

I laughed awkwardly before I sighed and replied, "Sounds fun. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." I hung up the phone before he got the chance to reply, and I let out a long, dramatic sigh.

What had I gotten myself into?

Niall and I spent the next two days texting each other rigorously. The longest we went without communication during the day was an hour when Niall had to do something with the guys. Not even sleep kept us from talking to each other. We spent the following two nights on the phone with each other until the sun was almost up. Both of us had gotten only a few hours of sleep.

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