Chapter 17

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I was released from the hospital after a week. I still couldn't stand up and walk by myself without getting a little woozy, so someone always had to be with me to make sure I didn’t fall and kill myself. Niall wouldn't be able to in a few weeks because he and the boys had to record their new album. My parents had to go back to work, and Owen was already missing his first few days of school. That left Rylee to take care of me if she was up for it.

One night, Niall left to go get us some takeout from a restaurant down the street, so I decided to venture out to the balcony to watch the sunset.

I heard a voice call from down below, "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks! It is the east, and Sage is the sun. Arise fair sun and kill the envious moon!"

I looked down and saw Harry with a beautiful girl. I couldn't get a good look at her because the lights on the street cast shadows across her face, but I knew she was no ugly duckling.

I laughed and replied, "If I knew any lines from Romeo and Juliet, I would reply, but alas, I do not, so I am left with inviting you up here! The door's open."

Harry smiled and put his arm around the waist of the girl. For some reason, a part of me didn't like it.

I hurried to pick up the leftover bags of chips and nuts and food particles lying around the apartment from Niall's hearty appetite. We still didn't have a lot of furniture, but it wasn't completely bare. We had a couch to sit on and table to eat on and a bed to sleep on, so we were set for a while.

I quickly walked back outside to the balcony to act natural when I heard Harry open the door.

"Sage?" he called. "Niall?"

"Out here!" I yelled. Harry came into sight as I added, "Niall went to go get us some food."

Harry gathered me in his arms and gave me a big hug. My face was near his neck, and I could smell his cologne. He smelt amazing. I looked for his guest, but couldn't see her.

He pulled back and asked, "So how are you?"

I shrugged, still relishing his scent. "Getting better. My head is a little crazy right now."

Harry laughed. "Why?"

I bit my lip. "Honest answer? I saw that you brought a girl and didn't want her to see Niall's mess, so I hurriedly picked everything up."

He put his arm around me and led me back inside. "Speaking of the girl, I'd like you to meet her."

We walked into the "living room”, and I saw the girl sitting on the couch, looking around like she didn't know what to do.

"Sage, this is Kensington. Kensington, this is Niall's girlfriend, Sage."

I stuck my hand out and said hello kindly, trying to break the ice that was evidently between us from the moment we laid eyes on each other.

She hesitantly shook my hand before she glanced at Harry.

I could see her better under the light, and she was more gorgeous than I first imagined. Her wavy hair was a dirty blonde and came down to her shoulder blades. She had gorgeous eyes the color of the ocean that I could see any guy getting lost in. She was about 5'6", three inches taller than me and honestly quite intimidating.

Niall came in just in time to break the awkward silence that followed our greetings.

"Harry! Hey! Who's this?"

At least he wasn't intimidated.

Kensington smiled and waved at Niall. "Hello, Niall."

Niall stopped dead in his tracks. "Kensington? What are you doing here?"

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