Chapter 20

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Right as we got to Zayn and Rylee's door, it opened, and Danielle gave each of us hugs before she let us inside. I saw Liam, Louis, Eleanor, Rylee, and Zayn were there already, so I gave each of them hugs, too.

Louis asked me, "Where's Niall?"

I glanced at Harry. "We uh…We broke up two weeks ago. I’m surprised he didn’t tell you."

Liam, who was standing next to me, gave me another hug. "I'm so sorry. Thank you for being here."

I smiled. "Of course. You're my friend too, right?"

Zayn answered, "You're everybody's friend. We all love you, Sage."

"The feeling is mutual. But enough about me! Happy birthday, Liam!" I patted his back and gave him the bag in my hands. It was a pair of trousers I saw in a window while the girls and I were going shopping. Danielle had said she thought he'd like them, so I bought a pair for him.

Everybody settled again and started having side conversations, so I took the opportunity to pull Rylee aside and talk to her.

"I'm so sorry about you and Niall. What happened babe?" She gave me another hug after she led me into the kitchen.

I leaned against the counter and replied, "I did something very, very wrong."

She didn't even have to ask. "Why did you do it Sage? It will never work with Harry."

I nodded and closed my eyes. "I know. I know. Harry and I talked about getting together yesterday. It’s not going to happen."

She hopped up on the counter next to me. "And?"

I did the same. "I love Niall too much to be in another relationship. There is chemistry between me and Harry, yes, but it will never amount to anything because of Niall."

She didn't say anything.

"I know I screwed everything up! I don't know what I'm going to say when I see him. It's been two weeks! He won't be over it yet. I know I’m not over it yet! But if he brings Kensington, I'm leaving."

She started playing with my hair. "Who's Kensington?"

I put my face in my hands. "She is one of Niall's good friends from a few years back. She and Harry were kind of a thing, but I guess they aren't anymore..? Last night I went back to the apartment to get my phone to call you, and she was there with him, wearing his clothes."


I turned my head to look at her. "I don't like her."

Rylee gave a half smile, but bit her lip. "Can I tell you something? You're not going to like it, but I think you should know."

"I don't think it can get much worse than it is right now."

She raised her eyebrows and her eyes went wide. "I wouldn't say that just yet."

I just stared at her. This didn't sound good at all.

She started playing with the hem of her shirt nervously. "So today, when I was out shopping for refreshments and such, I saw this tabloid..."


"And it had a picture of you and Harry entering and leaving his apartment."

"So? That doesn't seem like a big deal."

She put her hand on my arm. "There was also a picture of the two of you out on Niall’s balcony in a full make-out session. And underneath was an article speculating whether or not you were cheating on Niall with Harry."

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