Chapter 10

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It was maddening chaos. While Rylee packed my suitcase and talked to her uncle, I called up my parents and Owen and gave them the heads up that I would be gone for a while on an adventure of my own. Owen was the hardest to break the news to. Whereas my mom would talk about how I was setting myself up for disaster, Owen cried and pleaded for my presence. But his 12 year-old mind understood that I needed to take a risk and follow my heart. He understood that I needed to be happy, and if I stayed where I was, I wouldn’t have been happy.

I talked with him throughout my ride to the airport. I told him he and I could Skype and that I'd make sure I'd call him almost every day. I told him Rylee would make sure he was alright when I couldn't be there. He got happy for a moment because he had a "secret" crush on her, but everybody knew about it. I finally said goodbye to him when Rylee and I arrived at the airport with 20 minutes until the plane was set to take off.

The lines at the ticket counter were beyond long, and I panicked. "Rylee, what am I going to do?!"

She placed her hands on my shoulders and did some breathing exercises with me.

"My uncle already bought your ticket. He's at the front of security waiting for you. I can't go back there with you, so you're going to have to run your little heart out, alright?"

I nodded my head and hugged her tight. "Thank you so much Ry. I'm going to miss you terribly!"

She rubbed my back for a moment then pulled away. "You're my best friend. I'd do anything for you! Just give Zayn my number, alright?" She winked and I nodded my head.

With a sigh, I said, "Take care of my brother?"

She rolled her eyes. "Girl, it's not like this is the last time I'll ever see you!" She shoved my suitcase in my hand and pushed me toward security. "Go get him, hon!"

I laughed and did as she said. When I met her uncle at the front, he shoved my ticket in my hand and waved me through. I was running out of time. The airport was crowded with thousands of people, and it was hard to fight my way through.

5 minutes left.

I finally saw the sign for terminal B and plowed through heaps of people, but by doing that, I got confused where I was. This wasn't going to happen again. I wasn't going to get overwhelmed and lose my bearings. I had to find him.

No time left.

Gate 7 was empty, and my heart skipped a beat. They couldn't be gone yet. I ran through a bunch of people and saw the screen above the desk and it said, "Flight closed." I was too late. They were gone.

I threw my head in my hands and started crying. Why hadn't I just listened to my heart to begin with? I knew what I wanted, yet I didn’t go after it. I ruined what could have been great. I was a horrible companion. Niall didn't deserve me; he deserved better. Someone who would fight for him just as much as he fought for her. No surprise, I had failed at a relationship once again.

I felt a hand touch the bump on the back of my head. I jumped and whisked around, worried a creep was going to do something to me. But it was no creep.

"I didn’t realize how big your bump was," the beautiful Irish voice said.

I grinned and wrapped my arms around Niall. "What are you still doing here? Your flight left a few minutes ago!"

He kissed my forehead and stroked my hair. "I was wrong about the gate and flight time. It's gate 8 at 6."

I laughed. "You know, this is exactly like that cheesy romantic comedy we saw on our first date."

He looked down at me and smirked. "I wouldn't know what went on. I was otherwise occupied."

My face turned deep red. "Do you remember that big, cheesy kiss at the end?"

He winked and started leaning down to kiss me.

But he was interrupted by none other than Harry.

"We're uh boarding now," he said to Niall. He saw me, and his eyes went wide. "Hello Sage."

I pulled out my ticket. "How am I going to get on the plane? I bought the wrong ticket."

Harry pointed to the desk in the waiting area. "Get a flight change from over there."

I nodded my head and smiled at him. "Thanks Harry."

He gulped and walked back over to the rest of the boys, who waved when they saw me.

Niall and I strolled over to the desk hand in hand and arranged my flight.

We boarded, and Liam switched seats with me so I could sit next to Niall.

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked him as I buckled my seat-belt.

He did the same and took my hand on the armrest. "New York City."

My eyes went wide. "I've always wanted to go there!"

"What exactly made you change your mind?" he asked as the flight attendant gave instructions on flight safety.

I shrugged. "Rylee got to me."

"What do you mean?"

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. "You might be the one for me. My family will come to understand that eventually."

We started to move to the runway.

"Do you really think so?" he asked eventually.

I gave a half smile and leaned forward again. "They just don't want to see me get hurt. Once they know how happy I am and how serious we are about this, they'll be happy I made the right decision."

He shook his head. "That's not what I mean. Do you really think you and I were meant to be?"

The plane started taking off, and inertia sent my head flying back. Dang that dreadful bump. It wouldn't stop hurting.

"I think we'll never know unless we try, and I don't want to come in the way of that."

We ascended into the air and as we leveled out, I looked at Niall for the first time since we got on the plane.

He was looking at me with a huge smile on his face. He squeezed my hand and leaned a little over towards me. "Thank you for coming with me."

I bit my lip and leaned a little towards him. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Are you?"

I nodded my head as our lips erased the distance between us.

Niall and I slept the rest of the flight with my head rested on his shoulder and his head rested on top of mine.

The bumping of the plane landing on the ground woke us up suddenly, and we laughed.

As we got off the plane, Harry took down my luggage for me. Our hands touched a moment and my heart skipped a beat. What was going on?

We drove to the hotel, and I suddenly got nervous. Where was I going to sleep?

Niall must have read my mind. "We didn't know you were going to be coming with us, so we only got three rooms. You can sleep with me and Liam or you can take the other bed with Harry."

I glanced at Harry. It wouldn't hurt, would it? We were friends. That was all. "Do you mind Harry?"

He smiled. "Of course not."

Niall frowned, but put his arm around me like he was marking his territory.

Uh oh.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~If you are sticking with  my story, I love you.

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