1: Water

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Min Haneul was known for a lot of things, but more than anything, one should know that she treasured sleep.

So when her doorbell continuously rang through her apartment one certain night, she just couldn't put it together as to who could this person behind the frenzy be.

"Cheesus, calm down," she hissed under her breath, putting her cotton bunny slippers on and dragged herself to the door, ready to shoot whoever was to stumble upon her at this unearthly hour.

Though a normal person should first peep through the hole before opening the door, Haneul was too impatient to bother.

She guessed it was her brother, yet that seemed rather out of the context since her brother basically worshiped sleep. Or he could be staying up late writing songs—practically doing his work.

Either way, the possibility of him being here right now was farfetched.

"Excuse me but could you please stop ringing—"

"It's you," a voice quickly said once the door flew open.

"—the doorbell."

"The paper crane girl!"

The two of them paused. Haneul squinted her eyes awake whilst the other person stared at her openly. Silence and the cold brush of wind enveloped them, until Haneul finally decided to speak up again.

"Paper crane what?" She made a face, trying to decipher what he had meant by that, but nothing came into her mind.

"You said if you fold a hundred paper cranes, your wish will come true," the guy explained with an accusing tone, only making Haneul more perplexed.

"So...?" Her eyes trailed up, trying to make out the features of the person in front of her, but the lighting was against her vision.

In Haneul's mind, she thought it was best if she just stepped back inside, shut the door close and resumed her sleep.

And she was just about to do that.

However, a hand gripped on her wrist and pulled her out of her apartment, followed by the thud of the door.

"Yah!" She tried to yank her hand away but her strength did not help her.

"I'm not gonna harm you," said the guy, yet Haneul was not convinced.

Just as Haneul was about to scream for help, a flash of light glinted on the guy's face and she immediately recognized him.

It took her around three blinks to convince herself that her eyes weren't deceiving her.

Park Jimin.

All the while, Jimin continued to drag her to the elevator, clueless that Haneul was practically staring at his whole existence.

As the two of them went inside the elevator, Haneul only had one question in mind-

What the hell is Park Jimin doing here?

How the two of them ended up sitting by the window inside a nearby grocery store was a mystery to Haneul.

She had two theories. First: this was all a dream and she'd wake up sooner or later. Second: contrary to popular belief, Park Jimin was actually a psychopath who went knocking at random people's door and calling them weird names.

Paper Cranes | Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now