27: Drunk

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And then one day I awoke to the sad truth called reality in the form of school having to resume again.

Well, technically speaking, there was still a week left before classes resumed. However, I had a lot of fixing to do as my body clock had somehow gotten messed up. I hadn't really been staying up late; It was quite the opposite, actually.

I had spent the afternoon strolling around the neighborhood and stumbling upon a few familiar faces.

My aimless adventure had led me to the center that I used to volunteer at during my high school days and found out that they had upgraded to a nursery. There were only a few kids since it was still around the holiday season. It somehow made me upset though, when I had learned that most of their reasons for being there at this time of the year was because their parents were busy.

Since I had time to spare, I spent my time with the children and played with them for most parts. I'd assist them on their makeshift houses and role play with their tea party. And perhaps I had been enjoying my time with them that I lost track of time.

It was only when Yoongi had called to ask me where I was that I figured that it was time to go already.

I promised the kids that I would be back next time, and I sure hope to see them again soon. Ms. Xumin, the current head, had welcomed me with open-arms and told me I could volunteer again if I had time.

When Yoongi dropped me back to my apartment, it had turned a little dark already. I had to take a deep breath in as if to prepare myself for what awaited me once I stepped back in again.

"Do you need me to go with you?"

I shook my head vehemently. "I'm fine, don't worry. I could go up alone."

"You're anxious again. Is it about that?" he asked, sincerity lacing his words.

"Sort of. Well, I'm not really sure." I let out a dry laugh.

"Just call oppa when you need someone to talk to, okay?" He gave me a thoughtful look. "If all else fails, I can dispatch Jimin for you."

This time, the laugh that escaped my lips was genuine. "Just make sure I'm not going to get sued with you."

"The only reason I'll ever be sued for would be my good looks." He flashed a proud grin, and I shook my head in amusement.

"I'm heading in now. Thanks, oppa."

My brother waited until I had stepped into the elevator and waved a hand at me before it slid close. Now without him by my side, it felt more authentic that I was actually back.

I rolled my shoulder, adjusting my pastel blue duffel bag before stepping out of the elevator.

Just as I fumbled for my keys on the bag pocket, my steps staggered, coming into a halt. Eyes squinting, I tilted my head and slid to the side to get a better view of an unidentifiable form near my door.

With the help of the dim yellow lights, I beheld a disheveled mop of hair, and a hand raked through it momentarily letting me get a glimpse of the person's face.

"Yah, Park Jimin, is that you?" I crouched from the distance, validating that it was him. At the same time, I paralleled myself to the Jungs' door, so in case he wasn't Jimin, I'd knock for help.

Silence answered me.

And then he impassively whipped his head to my direction.

"It's me." A sigh of relief slipped out of my mouth. He waved his hand for me to go near him and patted on the space beside him.

I couldn't make out his features sharply from the angle of lighting, but his weak voice assured me he was certainly Jimin.

My brows knitted and I frowned, sighing as I eventually neared him and obliged, sliding myself down beside him.

A second of silence later, he laughed out of nowhere, only raising my confusion. Was he drunk? I mean, that could only be the reason why after laughing, he would suddenly howl like a lost wolf and then laugh again. This time though, it hinted of a broken soul.

While I was relived that I had an excuse to not let him inside, I also worried for him. And for me. Who knew what an actually drunk Park Jimin could do? I had only witnessed his fake act before.

But the thing was, he didn't reek of alcohol. If anything, the scent of his cologne was too strong that I didn't need to lean closer to sniff it. Maybe he didn't drink too much? And maybe his alcohol tolerance wasn't that good as well?

"Am I stupid, Haneul?" he asked, and I almost flinched, startled. I exhaled deeply.

"Yeah, you are. Took you long enough to figure," I sourly answered.

He laughed bitterly. "I wonder."

Then there was silence again. Jimin rested both arms on his knees that were pressed near his chest. His head hung low, and his eyes were empty, soulless.

It felt as if the Jimin beside me had no life.

"But you know..." I trailed off, averting my attention and stared down at my palms. "I'm probably more stupid for falling for you when I knew doing so is equivalent to stepping into a landmine."

Jimin stayed silent, and I suddenly felt a dagger being pulled out on my chest before getting stabbed with it again. But then, remembering he was drunk, I calmed myself down.

Look at me, being so confident even if it was just a spur of the moment, just because Jimin was wasted beside me. I guess my time at home had refreshed my mind.

"I'm with Chaerin," he said. "I love her," he paused, mumbling something inaudible. "Do I really love her if I keep feeling like something's missing?"

Whether I was right or wrong with whatever that meant, I ignored it and played the denial game. He was drunk, and he'd probably regret it tomorrow.

"Haneul," drawled Jimin.

"What?" I softly asked.



"Haneul!" he demanded.

Now he was like a whining spoiled brat.

I snapped my head towards him. "Wha—"

The closeness of our faces took me off guard and I pushed my head back instinctively.

However, Jimin had other plans. Plans that never in my silly head had I imagined to happen right at this moment. In a blink of an eye, Jimin's soft moist lips were on mine.

But it wasn't like those romantic, sappy kisses you'd always see in movies. Indeed, my heart was thumping so hard and my widened eyes had lost its ability to blink, yet nothing but confusion rose up my spine.

And it's damn too painful.

With the remaining sense in me, I pushed him hard and distanced myself on impulse.

The darkness witnessed our silence whilst Jimin and I stayed still, wondering what had just happened—or at least I did since he probably wasn't conscious enough. He probably wouldn't even know about it.

With my heart drumming against my chest so forcefully, I stood up. My lungs were on the verge of failing me as my hands desperately fished for my keys. My trembling fingers flinched at the coldness of the door lever as I twisted on it.

"Go home, Jimin," I croaked before slamming my door shut.

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