3: Strange Chicken

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After our rather peevish first encounter, Park Jimin had left me two valuable life lessons.

First, peepholes existed for a reason, and I should definitely stop being so lazy and actually peek through it before opening my apartment door.

Second, after looking through the peephole, had the person behind the door happened to be Park Jimin, you do not open it.

Quite simple, actually.

Except that I did not have a back up plan in case Park Jimin decided to throw another frenzy towards my doorbell.

After another episode of pacing back and forth in hopes that he would finally lay off, I peeked through the hole again only to find Jimin in the same spot, same deed as I had seen him ten minutes ago.

Does this guy not know the definition of giving up?

Just as how Jimin had imparted to me this certain life lesson, he also happened to be the reason for me to breach it.

I am so ready to stab this guy with a stick.

"If your plan is to annihilate my doorbell, that is not the way to succeed," I deadpanned right after I held my door open.

Jimin finally left the poor doorbell alone and turned to me with his winning smile, causing his eyes to squint...Or more like disappear.

"Paper Crane Girl."

I had to prevent myself from scoffing at the weird name he had yet again used. But then, this gave me the impression that he had not recognized me back in the hallways when I had bumped into his best friend, Kim Taehyung. My identity was still safe and sound.

Though I had to admit everything seemed suspicious. Still, I just chose to ignorantly play along.

"You have one second to explain why you're here or I'm calling the police," I told him and without waiting for his response, I began to count. "One!— Okay, that's it I'm calling the police."

I was about to shut the door close and grab my phone which I inconveniently left on my study table, when he yanked me on my arm.

Great! I learned another life lesson from the amazing Park Jimin: Always have your phone close to you. Especially when it's Park Jimin you're having to deal with.

"What?" I hissed.

"You're not calling the police," he firmly said. Well, I was not really going to, but he need not to know that.

"You don't get to tell me what I'm going to do," I shot back. Then with a sigh, I asked, "Why are you even here?"

His face lit up at my question and he lifted a paper bag in front of me. "I brought chicken!"

I made a face, totally getting creeped out. Like, sure Park Jimin was good-looking and girls probably swooned over him a lot. And perhaps they would right now, if they were the ones in my position. But I felt nothing but the complete opposite of that.

"You're out of your mind," was all I managed to say under my breath.

"That's not such a nice thing to tell someone, Paper Crane Girl."

But if he were out of his mind, then that would make me insane. Since minutes later, I basically just admitted defeat and let him in.

My parents—especially my brother—would definitely kill me if they find out that I had allowed a guy to enter my apartment.

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