9: Impressions

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"Uhm... what?" I blinked at him, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Our gazes interlocked, neither knowing what was going on in each other's mind. When his face lit up the slightest, I couldn't help but grow expectant, eager to listen to what he had to say.

Yet before my expectations were met, his face fell and his eyes morphed back into a void.


I wanted to urge him to tell me exactly what he was supposed to say, what went inside his mind, what reason had caused the sudden spark in his eyes. But just like him, I could only reply with a single word.


We exchanged one last look and went back to the campsite. Not another word between us had been spoken that night.

Next morning came the camping activities. The facilitator held a box, and students lined up to get their designated group numbers.

Unlike them, those in the medic team already had their assigned groups, dispersed so at least one member would carry out assistance when needed. Which meant Hira, Jungkook and I were in different groups.

After the numbers were given, everyone gathered in broken circles to meet with their groupmates. As I exchanged smiles and good mornings with people, I noticed two figures nearing my way.

"Good morning, Haneul-ah!" one of them beamed, eyes forming into crescents. From the looks of it, he was having a fresh start of the day.

His friend beside him only gave me a meaningful nod. He wasn't wearing his glasses like he usually did which made his eyes more charismatic.

"You're in this group?" asked Jimin, arm slung on Taehyung's shoulder.

Lips forming into a thin line, I nodded and hummed in response. I was going to ask if he was in this group as well, but he gave it away before I could speak.

"I'll get going to my group then. Catch you two later." He slapped Taehyung's shoulder and flashed his eye smile, heading to his group afterwards.

Taehyung and I exchanged glances, me with a crinkled nose, both of us aware that keeping distance from Jimin wasn't as easy as pie. At least Jimin was on a different group and that was less to think about now.

Our leader called for our attention shortly and held a map on the center. I squeezed on the straps of my backpack whilst listening to what we had to do to finish the course. Later on, the facilitator marked the start of the activity with a bang!


"But you gotta admit, Taehyung really looks intimidating with his glasses."

Taehyung scratched the back of his head, projecting a smile, showing his pearly whites. This kind of first impression wasn't really new to him.

"Ani, ani," he objected, a bit flustered. "There's no reason to think that way of me."

"But unlike him, don't trust this one who looks like an innocent bunny." Jinhee, the group leader who also happened to be one of Haneul's seniors in the volunteer organization, draped an arm on Haneul's shoulder. "In reality, this kid's savage."

Haneul pushed her lower lip forward, glancing sideways at her senior.

"See, she's not denying it." Jinhee chuckled.

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