25: Selfless

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I had officially decided that I would set things straight and iron the creases of my messy life.

Although dropping the soap into the toilet bowl wasn't such a great head start, it hadn't ruined my determination.

But on the other hand, what grudge did soaps had with me? The water inside the bowl was crystal clear so I didn't think twice on retrieving the soap. However, it slipped back in, right after I had fished it out of the water.

I swear on lamb skewers someone was definitely playing with the strings of my fate. I am ready to fight.

Kidding! I had a lot on my plate to mind for now.

"I'm not convinced."

My face fell and I crossed my arms. "Well, thanks for being supportive. I'm trying my best here you know."

"You're telling me all this with a straight, bored face. Your enthusiasm sounds forced."

"I am offended." I huffed. "I hope you are aware that this is actually my face. Also, maybe it's because I'm not really so enthusiastic about it."

I was telling the truth. In all honesty, I literally just wanted to sleep it all over and wake up in my next life.

Too bad reality didn't work that way. You just had to wake up at some point and without warning, it would attack you again as if you had done something grave in your past life.

"But seriously, I just find it impossible." Hira shoved a slice of cake inside her mouth and narrowed her eyes at me whilst chewing. She then gulped her food down.

"Let me summarize it for you," she started and I gave her a nod. "One random night Park Jimin dragged you out of your apartment and from there you somehow became friends. Later on, he miraculously found out you also go to the same university with him. Kim Taehyung magically appeared and warned you. You kind of listened but in the end, you ignored him. And then unknowingly, you fell in love with Jimin."

"Hey, so much more happened before that!" She made it sound like Jimin had snatched me so quickly. I had went through so much before I could accept the actual truth.

And hearing it right now made me want to just... ugh.

"It's a summary for a reason," she retaliated. "And stop cutting me off. Anyway, going back. So when you found out, Taehyung just had to bring you to the hospital and show you this girl, who happened to be the Jimin's current girlfriend—"

"Okay," I breathed out, cutting her off. "Could we just skip the summarization?" I couldn't bear to hear more from it.

I held my hair on both sides and stared down at my cake. Just by looking at it made me want to stuff my face over how I allowed matters to get into this.

"I know you're trying your best to be the most rational you could be, Haneul," said Hira, her voice held concern. "But I'd like you to also remember that there's your heart you have to consider too. You see, love isn't the most rational feeling there is. Love itself defies all sorts of logic. It's the sad truth."

"Please stop mentioning love." I scowled. Although her words had somehow eased a part of me.

"Because you are in love!" she exclaimed and I scoffed.

"Oh please. Just stop."

"Aww, look. Haneul getting flustered for being in love."

"I swear, Hira. Stop shoving it to my face, you're making me wanna throw up," I said, picking up the knife. But not to stab her with it though.

She chuckled. "It's just refreshing to know that you're not as cold and emotionless as you usually portray. And to see you flustered is something else, you know."

I simply rolled my eyes and shook my head before digging in to my cake. Knowing Hira, this was just her, trying to lighten and cheer me up. The teasings just were unnecessary.

Facing matters like this head on was definitely not my strong point. To put it into better terms, I had not been placed in such situation before, after all.

I had always been that person who lived within my comfort zone and had everything under control. I evaded nearly anything that could pull me out of my walls. Thus, I was able to live my carefree life with barely anything to worry about.

Little did I know that when Park Jimin dragged me out of my apartment that night, I had already made my first step out of my comfort zone.

Unfortunately, my closed curtains weren't taking the change so willingly. It was like a sick body rejecting medication, or maybe one that was still getting used to a new organ transplant.

In whatever aspect I viewed it, however, it didn't change the fact that I had to do something.

The first minutes that had passed between me and Taehyung were ensued with awkward small talks and silence. I had decided after meeting up with Hira that I needed to have a proper talk with him.

"Look," I began, taking a deep breath in and pressed my lips into a thin line. We had wasted enough time to beat around the bush.

"You've been nothing but good to me, and I really appreciate it." I frowned, internally crying. I can't do this. I knew what I wanted to say, but my mouth went dry. All the words crept back and plunged down into my throat.

"Haneul," he called and I warily lifted my head to see him smiling at me. "If this is about last time, you don't need to worry about it. It was my fault. I was impulsive that time." He scratched the back of his head. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

I sighed, dropping my chin between my palms and leaned on the table. "Why do you have to be so nice?"

He chuckled, shaking his head.

"I might have things to apologize for as well," I admitted. "I'm sorry if I had done anything to make you think... you know..." I shied away from Taehyung.

"You haven't done anything, trust me."

"Gosh, this is so awkward," I blurted out. "Also, I'm so stupid." I groaned, slumping my head on the table so suddenly.

"If anything, my offer to help you out stands still."

I forced myself up and shot Taehyung a suspicious look. "You're too nice, you can't be for real."

But that was Taehyung's identity. He was the selfless person he was. I didn't want to take advantage of his kindness, but he knew Jimin more than I did. So if all else fails, I wouldn't hesitate anymore. I made a mental note to make it up to Taehyung in the future.

— ✿ —
here's a very early update that you guys well deserve. thank you so much for all the support this book has been getting lately. I read all your comments and I really appreciate them!

{I'm gonna go over this chapter again later to proofread. If you have seen any errors, please do tell me since it'd make my life easier hehehehe tysm}

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