episode 6

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'' I think he's drawing you, '' Xiumin lowly spoke up and elbowed me

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'' I think he's drawing you, '' Xiumin lowly spoke up and elbowed me.

He didn't need to say his name for me to know he was talking about Baekhyun. My eyes moved to the left and stopped on the boy that was sitting on a table a bit further away from ours. The cafeteria was packed with students that were eating lunch, but his tray stayed untouched, while he was steadily sketching something in a notebook that had a weird drawing of a blue cat with no ears on it. At one point he raised his head and his eyes would meet mine if I wouldn't quickly look away again. I sighed in annoyance and stared at my own untouched lunch that was in front of me. '' How should I know if he's drawing me or not?! ''

'' Maybe he's drawing me, '' Yixing suddenly spoke up, making both of us look at him with surprise. The Chinese guy shrugged at the sight of our faces and muttered: '' What? My mother always told me that I was handsome. '' 

'' Honestly, out the three of us, I would choose to draw Yixing too, '' Xiumin said after a few moments of silence.

I gasped in shock and hit him. '' Hey! I'm not that ugly! You might want to watch what you say, because now I have a crutch that I can beat you up with it and it will hurt way more than my fists do! '' 

Yixing cringed and pulled the sleeve of my shirt. He was still looking in Baekhyun's direction. '' Chae-rin, go talk to him! ''

'' Is he bothering you? '' I asked and frowned.

Yixing looked at me with a blank expression on his face. '' What? No. I just want you to tell him that I want a copy of that drawing of me that he's doing. ''

I rolled my eyes and hit him too. I tried to go back to eating my lunch, but after Xiumin told me about Baekhyun, I couldn't focus anymore. The wooden chopsticks in my hands suddenly broke in half, making my friends flinch with surprise, while I slowly stood up. There was a frown on my face and I was clearly annoyed when I grabbed my crutch and started limping in the direction of the nerdy guy. He was focused in to a detail of his drawing and he didn't notice me walking up to him until the last moment. That was when he raised his head and barely managed to dodge the crutch that I was about to hit him with. He quickly took a few steps back and defensively raised his hands in front of him, while I glared at him. I raised the crutch that doubled as a weapon and threateningly warned: '' Are you trying to annoy me, trash? I'm not in a good mood this morning. ''

I turned my head and picked up one of the drawings that were scattered on his table. He tried to snatch it away from me again, but I quickly stopped him with the help of my crutch. I carefully observed it and my eyes slowly grew wide with shock. I kept staring at it in silence, while Baekhyun was nervously apologizing. In the end I slowly put it down again, turned towards him and hissed: '' My nose isn't that big, trash! '' 

I was going to hit him with my crutch, but he stopped me when he suddenly screamed: '' I have food! ''

That was how I ended up sitting at his table, stuffing my face with another one of his homemade bento boxes, pretending to listen to what he was saying and secretly admiring the enthusiasm that I could see in his shining eyes. People were turning their heads, whispering to each other, pointing in our direction and I knew that there were already numerous rumors about us spreading around the school. No one really knew why I suddenly started hanging out with Baekhyun and they were all making up crazy stories about the possible reasons why. Some of them were actually quite funny and Xiumin who always paid attention to these kind of things told me that most of them were sure that I forced him to become my slave and do anything I wanted.

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