episode 20

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I ran out of the subway station as fast as I could. My heart was racing in my chest, my cheeks were slightly reddened from exhaustion and my mind was full of different thoughts. I was worried about Baekhyun and Xiumin, who said was going to try to protect him until I will show up, but I was also angry. I was angry at Jungkook and Jimin for going to him instead of to me and when I ran around the corner that lead to the parking lot where they were, I wasted no time grabbing the gun that was hanging in my jacket and raising it in the air.

Jungkook, who was about to smash Baekhyun's head against the ground, instantly stopped. His eyes grew wide with surprise at the sight of my sudden appearance and the beaten up nerd on the floor coughed and spat some blood on the ground. Jimin, holding Xiumin's arms and stopping him from interfering, warned his friend: '' Jungkook, wait. ''

Jungkook smirked and I tightened my grip on my gun. '' Do you think she is really going to shoot me in the middle of the day? ''

'' You have no idea what I'm capable of doing, '' I hissed with rage. '' Let him go. You did not have to hurt him. Why didn't you go directly to me, you cowards? ''

'' We are simply doing what we were told to do, '' Jimin calmly said and let go of Xiumin. My friend was eyeing the gun in my hand with a strange expression on his face. It was almost like he was scared and not of Jimin and Jungkook, but of me. '' Yoongi told us to deliver a message. Now that you're here, we can do it. ''

Jungkook lifted Baekhyun in the air by his neck and gestured at him with an almost bored and disinterested look on his face. I couldn't bare to look at him, covered with bruises and blood again and only because of me. '' I'll quote what he told us to say... This is Chanyeol right now and it will be you that will determine if he lives or not. ''

My eyes slowly grew wide with shock and I barely managed to stop myself from attacking him. This confirmed my worst suspicions. Chanyeol and the others really did fall in to a trap, but this meant that they were at least still alive and there was hope to save them. My hand holding the gun was shaking when I uttered: '' Leave right now. ''

Jungkook scowled and let go of Baekhyun. The nerd stumbled for a few steps and I quickly moved. I put my gun away again, rushed closer and caught him before he would fall on the ground. He collapsed on my shoulders and I patted his head and mumbled: '' I'm here, Baek. I'm here. ''

Jungkook scowled, stuffed his hands in his pockets and started walking away. Jimin emotionlessly watched us for a few moments, then he turned around and rushed after his friend. When they were gone Xiumin moved and helped me hold the barely conscious Baekhyun. He was clearly sorry and apologising for not being able to protect him, but I didn't blame him. I told him to help me carry him and we slowly made our way to the subway. I knew that the surgeon that I visited yesterday wasn't going to be happy when she'll see me again, but I couldn't take Baekhyun to the hospital and he needed urgent medical care.

People were turning their heads and some of them asked if he was okay and I happily lied to them straight through my teeth. Xiumin and I carried him all the way to Seong-ji's house and rang the doorbell. The doctor was surprisingly quiet and she only urged us to carry Baekhyun in the house before any of her neighbours would see us and start to suspect that there was something weird going on in her house. I wanted to stay with him, but she kicked me, Xiumin and Kai out of her living room, that turned into an improvised hospital. My friend decided to return to school, Kai went to snoop around the doctor's house and I stepped outside to have a cigarette and calm my nerves.

Rain was pouring from the grey sky and I was under a small roof that was above the entrance into her home and smoking. The only one keeping me company was one of her cats, a pearly white and beautiful one that was happily purring, while I was squatted in front of it, patting it's head and frowning. '' Mister Lee's dog eats little cats like you for breakfast. I really miss it. I gave it to a female acquaintance of mine and I wonder how it's doing. She said she will teach it to bite on command. '' 

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