episode 21

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I was getting ready to go through with a really bad idea and for once, it wasn't even mine. I combed through my short pink hair, quickly put on some mascara and looked at my reflection in the mirror in front of me. I was standing in the middle of a busy dressing room, I was wearing only a sparkly bra and bottoms and I couldn't hide the nervousness that was evident in my wide and panicked eyes. I never thought that I would ever find myself getting ready to go on the stage of some random strip club in Incheon, but that was exactly what was happening and for once, I didn't think that a crazy plan was going to work.

Old Minjun said that there was no doubt Chanyeol and the other guys were taken by a gang leader who went by the name Daesuk. That man was very dangerous and he was sure that he would instantly realise who we were and what we were doing if we would try to go after him. That was why he decided that it would be better to go after another one of his gang members instead. It would still be too obvious for him or Kai to corner him and that was why I was at this strip club and getting ready to charm some information out of Do-Jung.

'' I think I really am going to die this time, '' I mumbled to myself and took a deep breath. '' This will finally be the time where my luck won't save me and I'll end up with a bullet in my skull. ''

With those encouraging thoughts on my mind, I walked out of the dressing room and right on stage.

It was probably one of the worst dances that the strip club costumers ever had to see and I didn't think my winking looked seductive at all, but luck was on my side. After finishing my performance, I collected my embarrassingly low tip from the ground, stuck it in my bra and walked of stage. I was ready to order some strong alcohol and drown my sorrows in it, when I was suddenly approached by a tall man. He leaned against the bar in front of me and stared at me with a serious expression on his face. I looked up and gazed in to his eyes with uncertainty until he finally smiled.

'' Hello. My name is Do-Jung. Who may you be? I've never seen you here before. I'm certain I wouldn't miss someone with gorgeous eyes like yours, but aren't you a little young to be here? Are you doing this to earn some extra cash after school? '' he asked and tilted his head to the side with curiosity.

I mentally cringed and my lips lifted in to a fake smile. '' Good evening, I am... Uh... Strawberry. '' I stopped for a moment and sighed. Really? I couldn't think of a better fake name? Sadly it was to late now and I just had to roll with it. '' Yes, I am known as Strawberry, because I am just as sweet. I just moved to Incheon to study in college. ''

'' Oh, really? '' He raised an eyebrow. '' What are you studying? ''

I innocently giggled and blurted out the first thing that I could think of: '' Anime... Animation. Yes, animation, but that's enough about me... You're the client here and I am the one who has to please you. You look like you could use a private dance and some time to relax, huh? ''

The guy smirked and put his hand on my shoulder. I felt absolutely disgusting and I wished that I could slap it of and kick him, but I had to pretend that I liked it and smile. I could see the two other guys that were with him glancing in our direction, but no one tried to approach us when he handed me the money that I charged him for the private dance, wrapped my arm around his and escorted him in the VIP area of the strip club.

I was holding him, resting my head against his shoulder, giggling and talking about meaningless things as we walked past the different private rooms. He tried to get in to one of them, but I kept leading him forward until we reached the last one. The lap dance that I did was really bad, but after constantly pestering him with random questions, I managed to find out some useful information.

He was in the Incheon port earlier, the cops were bothering him lately and the bruise he had on the side of his cheek was given to him by Chanyeol or one of the other guys. His boss also texted him during the dance, I managed to catch a glimpse of what it was written and it said that the two of them had to meet as soon as possible. It was something, but still not enough and when he was leaving, I couldn't help it but to feel like I failed. I ran in the backstage of the club as soon as he was out of my sight, called old Minjun and gave him the information that I had.

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