Chapter 1

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Ink's p.o.v
I sat alone in the multiverse, the bleak and colourless space seeming as empty as it always had been. I was doodling a couple new concepts for a new Au when a thought came to my mind. Error. He had been acting very strangely lately. I didn't care if we were 'enemy's', that didn't mean I couldn't care about if Error was ok or not. All this thinking about Error made me think about the first time we had met.
I laid silently in the vast wonderland of blinding white. There was so much that could be done with this space...yet, there was something stopping me from decorating it. To me, it looked like a blank canvas just waiting to be decorated, and it drove me insane that I couldn't do anything about it. I had lived here for as long as I could remember, at least before...I shook my head, discarding the thought. I had always thought this multiverse was empty, I thought the only person that inhabited it was me. But what if that wasn't the case? The idea stuck in my head. What if there was another character in the multiverse with me? I decided I would try to explore to see if my theory was right.
Error's p.o.v
Silently playing with my strings. That's how I spent most of my days in this stupid multiverse. Sure, I could go searching for other characters since it was highly possible there were more, but I decided not to. I had my puppets to keep me company. I pulled a couple of the puppets down from the strings before noticing there was a new puppet. That confused me since there hadn't been a new puppet in a while. I pulled the puppet down and studied it closely. It was a skeleton, like all the others and had a large beige scarf. They had a darker beige tee-shirt with two blue circles on the shoulders and lines below it. There were long dark brown sleeves with blue lines, around the same as their shorts. Attached around their waste, was a fluffy light blue sweater. Their shorts were a dark brown with blue lines, and they wore beige tiger stripped sneakers. Attached around their waste, was a belt with paint tubes attached to it. I studied the puppet throughly, taking in every detail of him. I frowned, seeing how this skeleton in particular was very colourful. "I wonder what Au he's from..." I wondered out loud. Perhaps he lived in the multiverse with me? I let curiosity get the best of me and decided I would search the multiverse for at least some sign of life.
Third person p.o.v
Ink crept around the blank multiverse as Error walked carelessly in the same direction. Ink walked silently, until he saw a blurry figure in the distance.
Ink's p.o.v
I jumped slightly as I realized there was a figure in the distance. 'So, there is another character....' I thought in interest. I excitedly crept closer to the figure, and as they came into view, I could see it was a skeleton with odd Grey bones. They wore a black jacket that faded to a blue near the top, with black shorts that had red stripes. His legs were red and he wore red slippers on his yellow feet. There were strange blue strings that seemed to be coming out of his eye sockets, and the word Error glitched wildly around him. Parts of him were glitched as well, almost as he himself were a glitch. The skeleton teleported in front of me and looked at me in surprise. "Hi!!" I greeted them excitedly. "H-hey." Their voice was glitchy and deep, and strange... "I'm Ink Sans! What's your name?" I asked cheerfully. "M-my names E-Error." He replied simply. I smiled. His name sure did suite him. But I didn't care. Finally, I wouldn't be alone in this dreaded empty land.
long flashback over•
I sighed sadly at the memory. What had gone so wrong? Error had been so nice when we had first met...I flinched as I felt another pain in my soul, knowing that Error had destroyed another one of my Aus, along with another part of my soul. "Time to go fight him again.." I muttered, standing up and grabbing my paint brush. I splashed some Ink and the ground, creating a portal to another Au. I jumped in and re-appeared in a catastrophic mess of an Au. Blue strings shot everywhere and dust spread across the ground, almost covering the snow. It seemed I was too late. I searched around, looking for some sign of what au he had destroyed this time. Luckily, there was still a bit of colour left, allowing me to know that this au had been StoryFell. More blue strings shot out from an unknown place, one almost barley missing me. Did Error do that on purpose? Looking around, I noticed Error was no where to be seen. I collapsed on the ground and curled into a ball, beginning to sob. I was such a failure...this hadn't been the first time I had been too late to save an Au, nor did I believe it would be the last. "Why can't this just end..." I asked myself sadly.
Error's p.o.v
I laughed maniacally as I shot more blue strings out of my hands, destroying the only things that were left of this stupid alternate universe. I was having fun, until I heard sobbing coming from somewhere behind me. I walked slowly over to where the noise was coming from. "D-did one of t-the characters S-survive?" I wondered out loud. I brushed aside a couple bushes to reveal Ink curled up in a ball in the dust, sobbing. "What t-the..." I looked at him as he continued to cry and talk to himself. Wow, sometimes he could be so emotional. I suddenly realized that there was a strong feeling in my soul. What was this feeling? It felt like regret and pain mixed together strongly. I went to move my foot when a stick snapped, cringing as I realized it had been my fault it had snapped. Ink's head flew up quickly as he looked in my direction. Despite the inky tears dripping down his face, he looked fairly brave and fierce. "Who's there?" He called out, fear edging his voice. I didn't respond. I just decided to walk away silently. As I created a portal back to the multiverse, I couldn't help but regret leaving Ink alone in that wretched Au.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

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