Chapter 14

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Error's Pov.

I felt my already broken soul shatter. The skeleton I loved, was now with someone else. Nightmare was staring at me in pity. He didn't want me to see this, he knew how I would have reacted. Ink didn't see us luckily, he was too busy kissing Cross. I gaged at the thought of the two together. This had to be a dream. "C'mon Error...let's leave them be." Nightmare sighed, pulling me away from the window. "I'm not leaving you alone in the antivoid anymore, not after this. So, you may as well come back to the hideout with me." He added, making a portal. "T-he hideout?" I asked as Nightmare pulled me into the portal. Instead of finding myself in Nightmare's dark Au, we had arrived in what seemed to be an abandoned house of some sorts. The place was nearly pitch black, with exception of the faint dusk light coming from the few windows. The house itself didn't look too unused or old, just...a bit dusty. "While you were busy weeping over Ink, I got the group back together. Killer found this place. No one was living in it, So We decided to use it as our hideout." Nightmare explained, quietly walking over to the navy blue couch. I followed him blindly, looking around the house again. Now that my eye sockets had adjusted to the lighting, I could see multiple things belonging to my old crew. Dust's sweater was loosely hung over a chair, Horror's axe was placed on the counter, and so on. Looks like the gang really was back together again. Though, there was one person I hoped hadn't rejoined the crew. That's when I saw it. In the corner of the room, was the person who had destroyed my life's weapon. The starlight glinted off its sharp, metallic end, reflecting a slight strip of light onto the dark wooden floor. I directed my gaze back to Nightmare, my gaze turning to a glare. Nightmare realized I was glaring at him, turning to me with a confused look. "I-I can't b-elieve you brought me h-ere without t-telling me C-ross stays h-ere too!" I whispered harshly. Nightmare's eyes widened, as if he had forgotten that Cross was living among them as well. "Y-ou can stay here, b-ut there's no way I-in hell that i-I'm staying with h-im." I hissed. I created a portal, and was about to step through, when I was interrupted by a sleepy Dust walked down the stairs. "What's all this noise about?" He asked, his eyes flickering around the room. I mentally cursed myself for talking too loud, now I would have to deal with the surprised looks I will get. As Dust's gaze rested on me, I made a mental note to slap myself later. "Error? What are you doing here?" Dust practically ran up to where me and Nightmare were standing, looking at Nightmare with a questioning glance. "I-I was just l-eaving, don't worry." I mumbled. Nightmare turned to me with a pleading gaze, as if to say 'please stay, just for a bit.' I grunted, looking away. This isn't what I had wanted at all. "Oh come on Error! Stay a while! Everyone will be happy to see you~" Dust seemed overly happy to have me back, probably so that I would stay. The sad thing was, I think it was working. With a final grunt, I let out a sigh. "F-ine." I muttered, closing the portal and looking at the dark floor. "Dust, a word please?" Nightmare whispered, nudging Dust in the direction of what seemed to be a kitchen. "Uh...Sure?" Dust replied, confused. The two walked over to the kitchen, talking about something I probably didn't want to hear. I threw myself onto the couch, which, for some reason, was extremely soft, and stared out the window. It wasn't too long until Dust and Nightmare came back, With Dust giving me a slight pat on the shoulder before walking out the same way he had came in. Presumably, that was where all the rooms are. "I know you don't want to see Cross after what he did, but, please...stay a bit. Everyone missed you so much." Nightmare pleaded, looking at me in sympathy. I nodded my head, as to say 'fine'. "Thank You, Error..." Nightmare sighed. There was a small pause. The next thing I said, took even me by surprise. I didn't plan to say it out loud...yet..."D-id you k-now??" I asked, trying to control the anger in my voice. Nightmare looked at the ground sadly. "No, I did not. Cross kept disappearing during the day and night, but he never told anyone what he was doing." Nightmare paused before continuing. "I see why, now." He added under his breath. I nodded my head grimly in agreement. We waited in silence for a bit, before Horror and Killer raced out of the same hallway Dust had disappeared into. Speaking of Dust, he walked out behind the two. "We heard Error was back!" Killer panted, making eye contact with me. "So he is." Horror said eerily, circling the couch I was sitting on. Killer punched Horror jokingly in the shoulder, smiling. "Lighten up about it. I, for one, am glad he's back." A smile would have crept onto my face, if I even knew how to smile anymore. Cross had broken that smile. Dust, Nightmare, Killer and Horror started chatting, with Nightmare probably explaining why I wasn't going to stay for long. God, why did he have to explain it to everyone? That's when I heard the door lock click, as if someone had unlocked it. The door creaked open, revealing a perky Cross. His perkiness wavered as he saw what was going on, as if he felt bad for missing out. Good. You should feel bad. Part of me wondered if Ink ever talked about me, but the other part knew better than that. "Guys? What's going on?" Cross questioned, looking from the group talking to me on the couch. The four awkwardly looked at Cross, their gazes flickering to one another, probably trying to see who would be the one to explain. "Well...Error will be staying with us for a bit." Dust explained quickly. "Oh, ok." Cross said simply. There was no emotion in his voice, just a monotone answer. With that, it was hard to tell if Ink had ever talked about me. Still, I couldn't stand to be near him. "W-Well, I-ll be going n-ow." I said quickly, standing up. But before I could create the portal, Nightmare interrupted me. Sneaky bitch. "No need to go back to the antivoid Error, we've got a spare room." He said cheekily. In my head, I was screaming at Nightmare for doing this to me. Gritting my teeth, I faked a smile. "T-hanks!" I said, attempting to control my anger. "Let me show you the way." Nightmare offered, standing up from where he was sitting. "F-ine by m-me." I grunted. I followed Nightmare down the dark hallway, until he stoped abruptly at a closed door. The door was decorated in red paint, leaving it clear who this room was meant to belong to all along. "Y-ou seriously painted this r-oom for m-me?" I asked, grabbing and twisting the door knob. "Well...I planned ahead, ok." Nightmare grunted. The door opened slowly, revealing the red and navy painted walls. On the back wall, was king sized bed with pastel yellow sheets. Beside it stood a black dresser, and on the left wall, was the black doors that led to the presumed closet. Above the bed, was a window, and a ceiling fan hung from the roof. "Y-you guys did all this...for me?" I asked softly, walking into the room. The moonlight touched the room in such a way, that it almost made me feel at home. By home, I meant me and Ink's old room. "Well...I knew you'd need it sometime." Nightmare replied simply, his face slightly heating up in embarrassment. There was a moment of silence, before I turned back to Nightmare. "T-hank you." I sighed. "It was no problem." He said awkwardly. With that, Nightmare turned and walked out of the room, closing the Crimson door behind him. Of course, he didn't expect me to sit on here and wait, did he? After I was sure Nightmare was out of the long hallway, I opened my door slowly, quietly sneaking down the hallway. I reached the end of the hallway just in time to over hear the conversation they were having. There was an awkward silence, as Cross told the story of how he and Ink had confessed to each other. "...and then, We kissing!" Cross finished happily. I gritted my teeth together, growling softly.
Cross really seemed desperate to become my enemy, didn't he?

Hey, I'm doing pretty good. I mean...I was in a car...for 10 hours. I guess I had a lot of time to write. Anyway, I'll try hard to keep up with the schedule.

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