Chapter 9

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Error's pov.

I stepped through the glitched portal, and into a dark, goopy realm. I looked around cautiously, searching for any sign of Nightmare. When I couldn't see any glint of blue in the shadows, I began my search for the light aqua staff I was here for. "Looking for me, lover boy?" I wiped around at the sound of the deep, scary voice. "N-ope. N-now, leave m-e to my j-job." I grunted, annoyed at how I hadn't spotted Nightmare earlier. "What job, huh?" Nightmare pushed on. "N-none of y-our business." I growled, my eyes flickering around the dark empty space in search of at least a sign of the staff. "It is my business, you're in my AU." Nightmare pointed out. "W-ho cares. N-now, w-here did you p-ut Dream's s-staff?" Annoyed with myself for revealing what I was here for, I avoided Nightmares satisfied gaze. "I brother is getting a mistake to do his dirty work." Nightmare chuckled slightly, his laugh a low, unnerving sound, making me shiver slightly. He sounded almost...insane. "J-just give me t-he staff." I grunted. "Do you really think I'll just hand it over? It's a prize, not something to be used as a bargaining tool. If you want it, you'll have to fight me for it." Nightmare rolled his eye, a smirk growing on his face. "F-ine, So be i-it. Let's d-do this t-hen." My eyes flashed, as I summoned my strings.

Ink's pov.

I rolled around on the couch, unable to shake the feeling something was wrong. Yet, something also told me Error was fine, and could handle it on his own.
Minutes went by, and soon I was finding it hard to sit still. Anxiety was running through me like a road. I sat up, hopping off the couch and walking to the kitchen. Maybe some food will calm me down. I looked around the kitchen, before reaching into a pantry and grabbing myself a bowl, spoon, and a can of soup. After making myself some of the soup, I sat back down on the couch. I put the spoon in my "mouth", but it wasn't there long. A portal opened up, a battered and angry Error stepping out. I spit the soup out, my eyes widening at Error's state. "Jesus Christ, what happened??" I asked, concerned for my boyfriend. "N-Nightmare wouldn't g-give the staff u-p without a f-ight." Error grunted. He threw the light blue staff onto the ground, the yellow stars on the ends clanking against the floor. "You beat him?!" I gasped in astonishment. If Error beat Nightmare now, we wouldn't need these allies. "A-are You insane? O-f course I d-didn't! I-I stole t-he staff w-ith my strings." Error grunted. I quickly hopped off the couch, setting the soup aside and rushing to Error. "You're badly hurt!" I hissed. Nightmare must have thrown him against a wall, since a bone on Error's back left leg was broken. "I-I'm fine I-nk, really." Error rolled his eyes, annoyed at the fact I was making such a big fuss over him. "No, you're not! Sit down on the couch, and have some of the soup if you'd like. I'll try to find some things that will help. Can't I just use my paintbrush? No...then it wouldn't be stable. Not turning to see if Error had actually listened to me, I rushed into the bathroom next to my room. I brushed sketches and papers off the counter, frantically looking for some sort of bandage. Finally, I found a roll of bandage, and teleported back to Error. "I d-on't need that, I-I p-romise-" "Nonsense!" I scowled, gently taking Error's leg and wrapping it in the bandage. I heard Error grunt, but ignored it. "Does that feel any better?" I asked, looking up at Error. There was no answer at first, but after a bit, Error sighed. "Y-eah, it does." He grunted. I noticed as I looked into Error's eyes, his face grew a bit hot. I stood up, sitting next to him. "You should have let me help you." I murmured. "A-nd let you g-get h-urt? N-o way!" Error exclaimed, a protective edge to his voice. I sighed, a smile growing on my face. "You big nerd." I chuckled. Error let out a confused snort, looking down at me. "Y-ou little rainbow b-utt." He chuckled, rolling his eye sockets. I laughed, playfully and lightly punching Error's shoulder. Error began laughing too, as he patted the top of my head. "So, should we go return the staff to Dream?" I asked. "N-ow?" Error seemed taken aback, as if he had expected to relax for a bit. "Well, best we get it done now, right?" I explained, pushing myself off the soft green couch, grabbing the staff, and grabbing my paintbrush. "A-alright..." Error grunted, coming to stand beside me. I swiped my paintbrush, and hopped through the inky portal. Error jumped in beside me, looking around. "W-here is h-he?" He grumbled impatiently, his eye sockets narrowing. As if his words were a call, Dream appeared behind us. "You got it!" He sounded more like his old self, cheerful, and not sarcastic. I handed Dream the staff, a smile spreading on his face. "Thank you Ink!" He exclaimed, taking the staff from my hands and twirling it around. "You may leave now, I'm sorry for making you do this." He muttered, turning his gaze back onto me. "Don't thank me, thank Error. He practically got beat up for it." I sighed, ignoring his last sentence and glancing at Error, who just grunted. "Oh really? Thank you so much Error!" Dream smiled widely, twirling his staff around more. "Y-eah, w-whatever." Error muttered, glancing away from Dream. "Well, we should be going." I said awkwardly, reaching for my paintbrush once more. "Alright, good luck, and stay safe!" Dream waved, turning around and walking off. I created another portal, gesturing for Error to go in first. "T-hank you, k-kind sir~" Error chuckled, walking through the portal. I snickered as well, starting to follow him. But I was stopped abruptly as I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. Had Dream come back to talk to me? "Going somewhere, dear friend?"

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