Chapter 11

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Ink's Pov, 2 weeks after the confrontation with Nightmare.

Error has been acting weird ever since we returned from giving the staff back to Dream. He's always looking over his shoulder, as if he expects something. I know it's probably because of Nightmare, but...there's something else going on. He's just...different. I was sitting on the couch, working on a new drawing, when I heard a portal open from the room in which Error and I slept. Curious, I set my sketchbook and pencil aside, teleporting to our room. I got there just in time to see the glitched portal in front of me close. Grunting, I sat down on the bed. First he's acting weird, and now he's disappearing into random portals? Anyone would think he was cheating on me. ...he isn't, right? My anxiety levels began to rise. What if Error was cheating on me? I teleported back onto the couch, picking my sketchbook up once again. But before I could even continue the drawing, tears of ink splattered onto the paper, ruining the art piece. "Dammit!" I cursed, setting the sketchbook aside once more.

Error's pov.

I hopped through the eerie portal, closing it behind me. Over the past 2 weeks, I had been thinking about the deal. Would Nightmare really not hurt Inky if I broke up with him? Things were all happening so fast, Ink and him hadn't even been together for 2 months. "Changed your mind, did you now?" Nightmare's deep voice asked from the darkness. I took a deep breath. Surely I was doing the right thing by protecting Ink? We'd get back together as soon as the fight between me and Nightmare was resolved. That's how it would work, right? "Y-es, I have. I-I will b-reak up with I-nk until t-this fight i-is over." I stated, trying to sound as certain as I could. "Good choice, lover boy." Nightmare couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for his old friend. Error really thought Ink would take him back after this was over? Poor guy. "I-I'll Be leaving t-hen." I sighed, turning around and creating a portal back to Ink's house. "Error?" I paused as Nightmare called my name. "Y-es?" I asked, not bothering to turn around. "Good luck." Nightmare sounded grim. He knew what he'd just done, and he knew that this would put the destroyer into a state of depression and despair. "T-thanks...?" Confused, I hopped back through the portal, and closed it behind me. Surely I'd had enough time to mentally prepare myself for this, I needed to do it now. I walked downstairs, only to see my Inky- no- Ink, sitting on the couch crying. Tears of ink rolled down his cheeks, staining his skull and his scarf. "I-nk? W-what happened??" I asked, surprised. If someone had hurt him, they'd feel the wrath of the destroyer. "Don't *hic* 'what happened?' Me Error!" Ink hissed, wrapping his arms around himself. "W-hat?" I went to sit beside him on the couch, but he pushed me away. "You're cheating on me Error!" Ink wailed, more tears dripping down his cheeks. That...wasn't what I expected at all. "I-nk, What in hell m-makes you t-hink I'm cheating o-n you?!" I asked, furious at myself for making the smol squid feel this way. "You've been really *hic* distant lately...and I saw you go into that portal a couple minutes ago..." Ink didn't want to look at me. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into. "I-nk, no, that's n-not what's g-oing on." I sighed. "Then what is going on Error?" Ink sounded angry, no, scratch that, pissed. He didn't understand what was going on. "I-Ink..." My voice trailed off. I didn't want to do this, but I had to keep Ink safe. Who knows how violent the fight between me and Nightmare might get? The last thing I need is my love getting hurt because of me. I took a deep breath. In my mind, I kept repeating the words over and over again. You need to do this. "I-m breaking u-up with y-ou." I forced the words out of my mouth. Ink was silent as he finally rested his gaze on me. Though his right eye had not shifted shapes, there was no telling what emotion Ink was feeling. The only sign, were the tears that continued to roll down his face. Had they sped up? Ink's expression was blank as he stood up. "Get out." He muttered. "I-nk please, l-let me e-xplain-" "I said, GET OUT!" The words struck me like a knife. I realized, Ink's face wasn't the only tear stained one in the room. Tears were dripping from my eye sockets as I watched the one I love turn me away. He didn't understand. He didn't know I was trying to protect him. But, there was no time now. I created a portal, and stepped in. Before I closed it, I gave one last look at what I once had. Ink was glaring at me cooly, as tears continued to stream down his face. With a final sigh, I closed the portal. Oh, what a mess I've created.

Aight, I'm going to try to write a bunch of chapters, and then release them every...second day, probably. I'm doing this because I'm going to New York the day this will be released, so I won't have any time to write for a week. I's kinda smart.
Anyways, bye

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