Chapter 19

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Error's Pov.

I knew I'd have to keep a close eye on Ink during this. A skeleton like Killer, we could bring back. But the creator...? When he was dead, he was gone forever. That's why Nightmare had told him to be careful. At least, that's what I think. Me and Ink hid behind a bush, watching as Cross walked up to Blue's house. He went to knock on the door, but before he could, Dust flung himself out of his hiding place, attacking Cross with a sharp bone. No, you're too early! Horror, surprised at what was going on, flung himself at Cross as well. Cross seemed surprised as he grabbed his giant knife, swinging it at Dust. Horror intercepted the swing with his axe, growling. While they did that, Dust swung his bone at Cross, gaining a hit on his arm. Cross hissed in pain and annoyance, going to stab Dust. That's when SwapFell and Killer attacked from their side, with Killer letting out a loud battle cry. No, you're supposed to stay quiet! Cross spun around, meeting Killer's knife with his own as Dust attempted to swing at Cross from behind. Cross side stepped to the right, dodging both Dust's swing and a tackle from SwapFell, sending him plummeting face first into the snow. ...We were getting our asses kicked. "N-ow Ink!" I whispered, running at Cross with my strings ready. I'd make him pay for hurting Ink, I was determined. Looking over at Ink, I saw the same pure determination reflected in his gaze. I tied Cross up with my strings, smirking as I watched his eye sockets widen while he tried to struggle. Ink slashed at him with his paint brush, a line of red paint hurling towards Cross. As it hit him, Cross gasped in pain. "You little-" He was interrupted as Dust and Killer both stabbed him from different directions, causing Cross to go completely silent. Had we done it? Despite our mistakes, had we killed Cross? "Let me have final strike." Ink growled, readying his paint brush. He stepped back, swiping the paintbrush hard against the thin air. I watched as a line of black paint flew at Cross, striking him hard. Cross panted, defenceless. Or, at least we thought. As Nightmare and Dream ran out of there hiding places, Nightmare shot one of his tentacles at Cross. "Enough!!" Cross's voice glitched into a different tone as he broke free of the strings on one of his arms, grabbing the tentacle before it could hit him. Cross laughed slightly as his gaze raised up, sweeping the 8 of us. His eyes were a bright red, which was clearly a bad sign. "You think you can defeat ME? HAH! You were wrong!" Cross, or, Cross Chara, laughed evilly, breaking free of my strings and stabbing Nightmare's tentacle with his large knife. Nightmare roared in pain, his eyes narrowing. "Or were we? Everyone, ATTACK!" Nightmare commanded. On his command, me and Ink began fighting together. The world around me became blurry as I only focused on Ink and Cross. We will win this. I shot my strings at Cross's knife, grabbing it and pulling it to me with a satisfied grunt. Cross stared after it in astonishment, before growling. I tossed the large knife aside, making sure it was beyond Cross's sight. Dust began striking at him with two sharp bones, while SwapFell summoned a Gaster blaster, aiming at Cross and firing. I grabbed Ink, pulling him out of the way of the blaster's fire. Cross skidded back, growling. As Killer went to swing at Cross with his knife, Cross grabbed his arm, grabbing the knife with his other hand. Killer's eye sockets widened as he struggled out of Cross's grasp, summoning another knife. Horror flung himself at Cross, pinning him down in the snow. "We will not lose!!" He yelled, swinging at Cross with his axe before stabbing him in the chest. Cross gaged, but not before shoving Horror off and catching his arm with the knife. Horror held his arm tightly, glaring at Cross. Cross spun the knife around, his gaze flickering to all of us as we stood still and waited. He made it seem like he was going to strike at Dust, but at the last moment, he turned, throwing the knife at Ink, who was busy healing Horror's arm. "I-INK!!" I yelled in warning. Too late, I realized with a sickening feeling. The knife struck Ink right where his soul would be. Ink turned to me with a scared look in his eyes, before he fell over. I rushed to Ink as the battle began again, tears welling in my eye sockets. " no no!! D-don't leave me I-nky!" I wailed, oblivious the rest of the battle happening around me. Ink didn't respond, he didn't even open his eyes as blood dropped from the corner of his mouth. I took his hand gently, squeezing it. "P-lease..." I whispered, tears dripping from my face onto Ink's scarf. There was still no response. Ink was...gone. I hadn't fought hard enough, and now he was gone forever. I let out a loud wail as I buried my face deep in Ink's scarf, not bothering to wipe the tears that streamed down my face. Then I remembered why we were here. I'd fight harder now. For Ink, and for everything Ink had done. I pulled my face from his sweet smelling scarf, giving his face one last longing look before unwrapping his scarf and wrapping it around my own neck. I stood back up, feeling all my emotions drain away except one. Fury. I walked in the midst of the battle, walking straight to Cross. I felt everyone give me sympathetic and confused glances as I stoped behind Cross. I wrapped my strings around his neck, raising him off the ground. Cross let out a few choking sounds as I held him in the air. "Y-ou killed my b-oyfriend, you h-urt my friends, a-and you've ruined m-y happy l-ife. I- I think y-ou deserve w-hat you're about to get." I said, fully aware of how emotionless I sounded. I saw the red drain from Cross's eyes, seeing terror replace the red. He was scared of me...good. I stuck my free hand out, silently asking for someone to give me their weapon. Killer handed me his knife, dipping his head to me before backing up and taking his place beside SwapFell again. I twirled the knife around, stopping it as it pointed directly at Cross. "H-have fun I-n Hell, y-ou monster." I growled, bringing him down and stabbing him right in the soul. And not just once, I remind you. I dropped Cross with a sickening thud, backing away from his motionless body. The others stared at me, in both astonishment and sympathy. I handed Killer his knife back, walking away with no words. I walked to Ink's body, which was now alone since Horror had rejoined the battle, and picked it up gently. "Error..." I heard Nightmare sigh sympathetically. I looked at him, still quite emotionless. "I'm so sorry..." He whispered as I turned my back to him and created a portal. I stepped through it, closing it behind me. Ink's house seemed more empty and lively now, so much so that it would give someone the creeps. There was no funky music playing, no sound of Ink humming as his pencil worked on the piece of paper he was drawing on. I set Ink's body on his couch, making it look like he was just sleeping. I felt tears drip down my face, but I was scarcely aware of them. My vision began to blur as I stared at Ink's body. After that, I remember nothing.

Fuck ok I'm sorry for doing this
Aaaaaa poor Inkkkk

Yo, look people. 2019 author here.
I know Ink doesn't have a soul.
Please stop pointing it out, thanks!! I wrote this when I was like 12 and barely looked into characters.

Thank you in advance, ~ your local author.

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