Chapter 2

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Ink's p.o.v
I looked at where I had heard the branch snap in fear. "Who's there?!" I called, putting on the bravest face I could. No one answered.
The only thing I heard were faint footsteps walking away. I sighed. Error had most likely been watching me, again. Why did he always do that? It confused me, when it didn't upset me. I stood up and decided it was probably time I returned to the hell I called my home. I grabbed my paint brush, made a portal and jumped in.
I sat alone in my little corner of the multiverse. The only thing I had was a fluffy blanket and my art supplies. I had decorated my small corner with colours and some drawings. I looked at the countless colours painted on the wall and forced a smile. I decided I would draw a couple new things, but the only thing I could think about drawing was Error. I sighed. What was this feeling? I couldn't get Error out of my, I decided since no one would ever look through this sketchbook, I would draw him.
Error's p.o.v
Should I check on Ink? I didn't know. I felt like I should...but then again I didn't know. I pulled Ink's puppet down from the lowest string and stared at it. One of the things I loved the most about the puppets was the fact that their emotions changed with the emotion of the sans. As I looked at the puppets face, I noticed with joy that Ink seemed happy again. I shook my head. "Why should I care if Ink is happy or not?" I scowled out loud. I sat on the small scrap of a blanket I called my bed and stared up at all my puppets. I then looked down at Ink's, remarking how different he was from all the other skeletons. He was way shorter, not to mention he seemed more emotional. Honestly, it seemed every time I was looking at him, he was crying, or something. I sighed and laid on my blanket, quickly falling asleep after.
Ink's p.o.v
After I had finished drawing Error, I couldn't help but acknowledge how handsome he was. I blushed a pastel rainbow as I thought about how Error made me feel. When I was talking to him, I felt exited. So exited, I had to just hold back throwing up ink. That is, when I wasn't upset or mad while talking to him. When I was around him and not fighting him, I felt happy. There seemed to always be a warm fuzzy feeling inside me. Did I like him as a friend? Or as more than that? No...I can't be gay...even if I was, I knew Error didn't even like me as a friend, so the chances I had with him were about 0%. I sighed sadly, falling backwards and laying on the plain white floor. I was getting a bit bored now, so I decided I'd check up on what Error was doing. Would he appreciate me caring? I thought. Even if he didn't, that wouldn't stop me anyway. Without another thought, I teleported to Error's side of the multiverse. Making sure I was a bit far back, I hid behind what seemed like a pile of puppets. Error was asleep, snoring softly. Was I being creepy if I watched him sleep? Well, he did watch me all the time, no matter what I was doing, so I guess this would just count as "pay back". I shifted, trying to get a better view of Error, but a couple puppets fell off the pile as I did and fell at my feet. Looking down at them, a wave of confusion hit me. One of the puppets had a blue scarf, resembling Underswap Sans, and the other had a blue and yellow jacket, resembling Outertale Sans. As I studied all the puppets closer, I realized they all resembled one of the multiple sans's I had created. Why would Error have puppets of all the Sans's? He only thought of them as filthy glitches...right? As I glanced back at Error to make sure he was still asleep, I noticed he was holding something tightly. I stepped out from behind the pile, trying to get a good look at what it was. To my surprise, it was another puppet of a sans. One that resembled, me. My face grew slightly more heated as I discovered this. Why would Error have a puppet of me? Let alone, be holding it closely in his sleep? I gently kicked aside a puppet as I moved forward slightly more, not realizing the puppets had button eyes. The buttons clanked against the blank floor of the void, the noise echoing around the bland room. Error's head shot up from his sleep, looking around the room cautiously. As his eyes set on me, he threw the puppet across the room and looked at me in fury. "I-INK!!" He growled, his voice glitching wildly as his face grew a dark shade of yellow. I stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to respond to his outbreak. "W-WHAT ARE Y-OU DOING?" He asked, his voice calming down a bit. My only answer was an awkward smile. "Answer t-he q-question!!" Error growled, his voice clearly threatening. "I was just checking on you, geez." I chuckled, feeling Error's glare harden.
Error's pov
I woke up to find Ink in my side of the void...just staring at me as I slept. Full of confusion and fury, I quickly threw my puppet of him across the room so he wouldn't notice it. If he hadn't already, that is. "I-INK!" Was the only thing I could manage to growl as my face grew more hot. He just stood there awkwardly. "W-WHAT ARE Y-OU DOING?" I growled, trying to sound threatening. His only response, an awkward smile. "Answer t-he q-question!" I growled again. "I was just checking on you, geez." He chuckled. I glared at him, confused and furious. "I don't see why you're so mad, you spend everyday watching everything I do." Ink pointed out, rolling his eyes. "Just get out." I sighed. "Is that all you sleep on..?" He avoided my statement. "Get. Out! Before I do something bad to you!" No, I didn't mean I would hurt him. My true fear was the fact that I was worried I would start kissing him if I wasn't careful and if he didn't leave. 'But error! Why would you kiss him if you hate him? Are you gay?' Truth is, I liked Ink as more than anything. I would say more than a friend, but o don't really think we were friends to begin with. "What do you mean something bad?" Of course he had to ask. One day, his curiosity will get him in trouble. "I'll...I'll hurt you!!" I growled. I knew I was threatening him, but I just wanted him to get out. "Hurt me? Ohohoho. Error, sorry to tell you, but you've hurt me so much I don't think I can be hurt anymore." I looked at Ink in surprise. I hadn't realized I had hurt him so much...I went to answer, but no words came out. Pain wrenched my soul as I thought about how much I could have hurt him...I could have killed him for all I know! "You didn't think about that, did you? That every time you destroyed an Au, it destroyed part of my soul with it? If you did know, you clearly didn't care!" I stood there in shock. So if I destroyed all the aus...would that mean Ink would..die? I felt more strings come out of my eyes. They were what I counted as tears I guess. "Ink I-I-" "Don't bother. I'm leaving." He hissed, beginning walk away. I grabbed his arm before he could leave. Why? I don't know. It was a stupid thing to do. But I felt like I had to. "Error please. I don't want to talk to you anymore-" "I didn't know...I promise you...I only destroyed because I felt it was my job..." I mumbled, trying to explain things as clearly as possible. Sadly, he seemed intent on believing his statements. "Ink...I'm serious...I would never had hurt you that much if I had known I was..." I explained more, hoping to break him. Finally after what seemed like forever, he sighed. "I'm sorry for the outburst Error. I just got upset, and..." Before he could even finish his sentence, I saw tears of ink rolling down his cheeks. Pff. What a cry baby. But, I had to do something besides just stand there. "N-no! Don't c-ry!" My voice began glitching again. "I-I can't do this do whatever you do...I'm going to cry somewhere else." Before I could protest, Ink teleported away, leaving me alone in my small space. I sighed sadly, sitting back down on my sorry excuse for a bed.

Ink's pov

I just couldn't stand it anymore. I was angry, but at the same time confused. Error had to have known what he was doing! He's been wanting to hurt me severely from the very start..why did I care so much about him when all he wanted me was dead?! I paced around my small space, tears of Ink soaking the blank so called floor. I couldn't be here anymore. I had to be somewhere else...with someone else..I opened a portal, not really knowing where it would lead me. I looked back solemnly, closing the portal and running along in what seemed like a quiet Snowdin. It was maybe even a bit too quiet...I stepped in something soft, looking down. I had stepped on..a red scarf? At that moment, realization struck. This was a genocide timeline. And whatever had happened to Papyrus, had happened recently. I walked in the snow, picking up the scarf carefully. I hung it on a nearby tree with hopes it wouldn't blow away, and continued walking. It wasn't too long before I came across the human, who was wielding what seemed to be a toy knife. I walked slowly behind them, worried. I kept my eyes flickering from the ground to the human, making sure I didn't make any noise, and the human didn't disappear. I studied the human carefully, noticing the glint on the toy knife. Why was there a glint, if it wasn't real? Of course, it was at that moment I kicked a small rock into the water by accident. Oh, the irony. I cringed at the sound of it dropping into the water echoing around waterfall as the human slowly turned to me. Scared thoughts filled my head, some even imagining this would be the death of all the Au's precious creator. Killed by his own creation. A classic way to go, if you ask me. "Hmm...I don't recognize you. You must" The human's smile was not friendly, and if anything was far from anything you'd ever want to be welcomed by. "Oh well~! I'll just get rid of you quickly before proceeding." A battle commenced as the human had said they're words. My colourful soul appeared in front of me as I became more frightened. The human attacked first, swinging they're knife at me. I dodged quickly, the knife only barley skimming my shirt sleeve. I attacked next, summoning my paint brush and creating two red slashes of paint. I sent them at the human, almost like daggers. The human dodged my attack, sadly. This pattern went on for quite a while, with me changing up my attacks every 2 turns to make sure the human wouldn't know my strategy. But I got unlucky one turn, my dodge being slow and the strike hitting me. It weakened me quite a bit, making it harder to dodge. "Why are you even still fighting?" The child giggled. "Your end will come soon! So just give up!" I growled. They had provoked this fight, I was just defending myself. And perhaps, training for my next battle with Error. The pattern went on and on, each time me getting weaker until I felt it was almost impossible to fight anymore. Should I just flee? Would I be able to outrun this nightmare? I was about to strike the human with a new attack when I heard a surprised voice from somewhere behind me. "I-nk?" I knew that voice from anywhere. I turned my head, preparing for him to also attack me. But he just stared at me. "You were going to destroy this place, weren't you!" I growled, turning my back on Error. But before I could dodge, a knife was flung at me. I attempted to create a wall of ink to pretext myself, but something else stopped the knife before it hit me. I looked in surprise as blue strings caught the knife in its tracks, stopping it. I looked behind me in confusion. Error was...protecting me?


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