Chapter 20

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Error's Pov.

I woke up, only to find myself alone in Ink's house. Not remembering a thing, I looked around in search for Ink. But, that's when I remembered. The fight, Ink's death, me killing Cross and then bringing Ink's body back here...wait, where was Ink's body? From what I remembered, I had set it right here on his couch. I growled loudly, thinking someone had taken his body. "H-ow much disrespect d-do p-eople have t-o steal a d-ead body??" I hissed out loud. I glanced back at the couch, seeing a small blood stain on it, which almost blended in with the shade of the couch. I stood up, going to grab a cloth to clean it up, when I almost tripped on something. I looked down in confusion, only to see Ink's body laying there. did it get there? I wondered, kneeling by his body. I sighed as I wiped a bit of blood from his mouth. I took Ink's cold hand gently, wishing so badly that he would wake up and say it was all a prank. Tears dripped down my face and on to the floor, creating a small puddle of tears. I could have sworn I felt Ink's hand curl around mine, holding it, but I shook it off as just grief. "No...don't cry, Error." My eyes shot open as I looked down at Ink. He had his eyes weakly open, staring at my in sympathy. "I-nk?!" I gasped. Ink sat up, flinching as he put one hand over his wound. "Yep, it's me..." He said quietly, smiling. I was about to hug him tightly, when I realized what this meant. "W-here's the tube of p-aint you use t-to heal?" I asked. "In my pocket..." Ink trailed off as he started coughing, a few droplets of blood splattering onto the floor. I frantically searched his pockets until I grabbed the tube, a green one, and poured it onto Ink's paintbrush, which lay beside me. I gently swiped the paintbrush across Ink's wound, hoping to whatever god there was that it would work. Nothing happened, and for a second I was worried I had grabbed the wrong one. But Ink's smile brightened, as he wiped blood from his mouth. "Thanks!" He exclaimed. I hugged Ink tightly, feeling more tears drip down my cheek bones. Except this time, they were tears of joy. "I-'m so glad y-your alive!" I exclaimed happily. "Me too." Ink sighed, hugging me back. He planted a kiss on me cheek, wiping the tears off my face. "I-I was so scared I-'d lost you f-forever..." I whispered, grabbing Ink's hand. "Well, you didn't." Ink said, smiling warmly at me. The smile I had missed so much. "C-come here, you b-ig dork." I laughed, kissing Ink's forehead. Ink laughed along with me, and at that moment, I could have sworn his laugh and his voice was the best thing I'd ever heard. Ink's gaze drifted to his scarf around my neck, a confused smile on his face. "O-h, here, s-orry." I quickly stuttered, unwrapping the scarf and handing it back to him. Ink rolled his eyes, wrapping the scarf around his neck. "You didn't have to give it back to me." He stated. That's when Ink paused, looking me directly in the eyes. "Error, are we together now?" Ink asked, a hint of worry in his voice. I paused, thinking of my answer. "N-o, we're not t-ogether." I said. Ink's gaze turned somber as he looked away. "Oh, ok, I see-" "Y-ou didn't let me finish." I interrupted the small skeleton. Ink looked at me in confusion, tilting his head slightly. "I-I want us t-o be more than j-ust 'together', I-nk." I started, grabbing Ink's hand tighter. "F-rom the moment I saw you, I-I knew I l-oved you. Y-ou meant e-verything to me, a-and you still do. I-I love everything about you. F-rom how your face turns into a r-rainbow when you're f-lustered, to how you put l-little hearts o-ver your I's when y-ou write. I-nk, you are t-he best thing in my l-ife, and I don't ever w-want us to part." I took a deep breath, fixing my position so that I was kneeling down on one knee. "I-I know it's e-early, but Ink Sans...w-ill you m-arry me?" I held my breath as I waited for a response. It was way too early, I should have waited. What if he doesn't love me that much? I forced myself to look at Ink. Tears were gathered in the corner of his eye sockets, and he had the biggest smile I'd ever seen on his face. "Y-yes!" He stuttered. "W-ait, really?" I asked, letting myself breath again. "Of course Error! You have no clue how much I love you..." Ink hugged me tightly once again, as I put my hand on his cheek bone lightly. "I-I love you too, m-y little squid." I said softly. We sat there embracing each other for a while, before the sound of clapping echoing around the room. I jumped in surprise, almost falling backwards before Ink grabbed my hand, pulling me back to him. "C'mon bud, where's the ring?" Nightmare chuckled, leaning on the back of Ink's couch. "I-I don't have e-nough money to g-et a ring yet, y-ou imbecile." I muttered in annoyance. "That's ok Error, we don't need some possession to show how much we love each other." Ink said smiling. I smiled as well, my face heating up. "Congratulations you two!" Dust exclaimed, popping up beside Nightmare. "T-hanks, Dust." I replied. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I didn't need to turn around as I heard the squealing coming from behind me. "I knew you two would get married!" Blue squealed, jumping around me and Ink childishly. "Well, we have you to thank Blue. You did help us get together." Ink said, inching closer to me. "You forgot to lock the door again." Killer said, sitting cross legged on the floor next to the couch. I rolled my eyes, though I wasn't annoyed, more of amused. "T-rust me, we know." I growled. As Ink chatted with the others happily, with the others saying something along the line of "Hey Dust, why don't you and Blue get together?" I put my arm around Ink. I couldn't believe this rainbow freckled cutie was mine. I turned his head gently so that he was facing me, kissing him. I heard everyone cheer, well, mostly everyone. SwapFell gaged, of course. I smiled as Ink pulled away, his face doing the thing it always did. Finally, I'd get a happy ending with the one I loved the most.

~~The End.❤️~~

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