Chapter 6

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Error's pov
I stood there like an idiot, just starring at Ink. I was confused, and highly flustered, seeing as how the guy I had admitted to liking had just kissed me. Ink was frozen, not saying anything. The only sound was the sound of our breath. After a bit, I heard the sound of a door behind me, and heard boots crunching in the snow coming in our direction. "Well that was...something." I heard a high male voice say awkwardly. I glanced behind my shoulder, seeing Blue. "You two ok?" He asked, looking at us in concern. "Yeah. I'm fine." Ink muttered finally. "S-S-same..." My voice glitched greatly, showing how flustered I was. Blue squealed in delight, hugging me and Ink tightly. "I knew you two would make an adorable couple!" He said cheerfully. "C-couple?? B-blue, no-" He cut me off quickly. "You two both like each other, why wouldn't you be a couple?" He said, a hint of confusion in his voice. I remembered Nightmare's threat, and a shiver went down my spine. What if me and Ink did get together? What would Nightmare do to me? What would Nightmare do to Ink? Ink himself seemed concerned as well. Why? I had no clue. I didn't really know much about him, maybe it had something to do with his past. "You two are awfully quiet!" Blue cluelessly chirped. "Maybe we have a reason." Ink stated quietly. Blue backed away from the two of us, and looked at us in confusion. "Why aren't you happy?" He asked. "I am. It's just..." Ink trailed off, looking at the ground. Had I done something to upset him? "I-Ink? Are y-ou ok?" I asked, keeping an eye on the door Blue had so carelessly left open. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." He shook his skull slightly, perhaps attempting to clear the previous thoughts that had concerned him. Still suspicious, I nodded. "I-I should g-et back to the m-multiverse n-ow." I muttered. No matter how much I didn't want to leave Ink alone, I felt like maybe that's what he wanted. Until..."Oh. Can I come with you Error?" Ink asked. "U-h...S-sure." I stumbled, hiding the surprise in my voice. " you two have to leave so soon?" Blue asked, his gaze sad. Me and Ink stayed silent, knowing we had to think the answer through thoroughly. If we said the wrong thing, we may lose our heads due to Blue's crazy overprotective brother. Or, at least, that's how I saw him. "S-sorry Blue...b-but-" "I left some muffins in the oven, and I don't want them to burn!" Ink interrupted me, coming up with a cleverly...yet stupidly, planned lie. "Oh, ok! Don't want those muffins to burn! Good luck Ink!" Blue's normally cheery smile returned to his face, his eyes sparking. "And make sure to come over and share some with me once they're done!" He added. Ink smiled nervously. "Yeah, sure Blue!" He said awkwardly. I mentally face-palmed, grunting. Geez, how bad was Ink at lying? Though, I suppose he didn't do it often. Without another word, Ink pulled out his paintbrush and swiped it against the air, creating a portal to the multiverse. He gestured for me to go in first, smiling. Wanting to just leave this Au already, I gladly walked into the portal. I was confused when I saw that this was Ink's part of the multiverse, not mine.

Ink's pov
I gave Blue one last smile before I hopped into the portal, closing it behind me. With a chuckle, I realized how confused Error was that I had brought us here. "Don't worry, I just want to grab some things before we go over." I explained. "S-some t-hings?" Error echoed, still confused. Without giving him an answer, I walked over to my makeshift bed and grabbed my art set. Though a couple pencils dropped out as I carried it back, I didn't care. It was the paint I needed, anyway. "W-why do you n-eed that?" Error questioned. "What? You thought I'd leave your side of the multiverse so colourless?" I chuckled. Error's face flushed, as if the thought of any colour scared him. "Don't worry, it won't be too colourful." I joked, creating another portal. I hopped in, landing almost right next to the pile of puppets. I gave it a confused glance, and noted that I'd ask Error about it later. Error walked in behind me, mumbling something. "Alright, let's get started!" I said cheerfully. I picked up my paintbrush, and looked at Error. "What colours do you want it to be?" I asked, not wanting to give him something he didn't like. "H-hm....D-dark Blue a-nd B-lack." He stated. Those weren't exactly the colours I'd dream of living in, but if he wanted it like that, I wouldn't argue. We were drastically different, after all. "Alright, how about..." I dripped a bit of black paint on the brush, careful not to use my own paintbrush in case it triggered the attacks. Though, luckily this one was quite as large. I began dragging the brush of the ground, leaving a line of black paint. "W-well, it'll take forever I-f you d-o it like t-that!" Error joked, grabbing two more paintbrushes and using his strings to paint. I watched in awe, how he could control those strings so precisely was just amazing.

A bit later...

I let out a sigh, wiping a bit of paint off my forehead with my sweater sleeve, which I had untied from around my waste. Finally, after a couple hours painting, we were finally finished. Error seemed proud of his work, and I myself was proud as well. I'd turned something that would have never had colour, into a...well, not exactly colourful, but...somewhat coloured place. In my opinion, it did look much nicer now. I eyed the pile of puppets in suspicion, deciding it was maybe time to ask him about it. "Hey, Error, what's up with the puppets?" I asked, not mentioning the puppet of me is seen him with. "W-well, I get bored sometimes. S-o I took up sewing or whatever as a h-hobby." He explained, following my gaze to the pile. "I-I'll organize them s-oon e-enough." He added, seeming slightly embarrassed. I chuckled, smiling. "I can help you with that too, if you want." I said. "U-uh...yeah, that'd b-e great." Error said nervously. As we began picking up the puppets, with Error hanging them up with his strings, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching us. I looked around in suspicion, but saw nothing. When I glanced back at Error, he seemed on edge. Maybe something really was watching us. When I looked around again, I thought I had caught a flash of blue. But when I looked back at where I saw it, it had disappeared.

This was supposed to be a chill chapter, or more of a comical relief chapter. Though, I did want to add that little mysterious part at the end to make it worth reading. But hey, I'm doing better at updating now, right?

Don't answer that. Anyways, I'll see you guys in the next chapter, whenever it's uploaded.

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