Chapter 5

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Error's pov
I growled in frustration as I remembered how I had acted with Ink. I had gone to tell Ink I loved him, but all had failed and I'd just ended my putting myself in the friend zone. Not to mention, leaving a bad impression I didn't want to be around him by leaving so quickly. How could I had been so idiotic as to waste the only chance I had?! "G-great jo-b E-rror! Y-you destroyed I-t al-l!" I sighed loudly, picking up a puppet with my strings and throwing across the white abyss. "You're acting like a three year old having a tantrum, what the hell happened to you?!" I knew that voice anywhere. I spun around and faced the black figure. "W-what do y-ou want, N-ightmare?" I asked in annoyance. This wasn't necessarily the best time for the bringer of bad luck and nightmares himself to show up here, especially when I was about to snap at anyone for my mistake. "I was going to ask you why you protected Ink last night, in the nightmare." He said calmly, looking at me with his one good, piercing, blue eye. "I-it's none o-f you're b-business." I growled, flinching at the harshness in my own voice. "Actually, it is. If the destroyer wants to protect, care for, or be friends with the creator, what kind of a reputation do you think that will give you? Will give us?!" He started ranting, rolling his eye. I was glad he hadn't mentioned anything about me possibly liking Ink, because that was the last thing Nightmare needed to know. "And Jesus, that's only if you want to be friends with him!" He went on. "Don't even get me started on how mad I would be if you were falling for him!" Nightmare growled at me. I flinched as he mentioned the last part, seeing as to how it resembled the question I'd been asking for days.
If I did ever confess to Ink, why in the universe would he ever fall for the destroyer of Aus!?
Chances were slim, and I was starting to get a bit thankful I hadn't told Ink about my feelings earlier. "So, Error? What's the deal, huh?" I ignored Nightmares question, which was probably a big mistake. " not, and I repeat do not, tell me for Asgore's sake you have fallen for that god forsaken creator!!" He yelled, throwing his black, goopy arms up in the air with fury. "Do y-you really t-hink I wa-nt to love him? N-o! I don't! W-hat would I say I-f y-you fe-ll in love w-with Cross? I-I'd support y-ou. So maybe, y-you sh-ould do the same f-or m-me!!" I snapped at him, my gaze clouded with fury. It didn't even cross  my mind at the time that what I had said had hit a bit too close to home for Nightmare. His face was heated Blue, and his eye was filled with absolute hatred. "Alright. I see how it is." He growled, his gaze cold. "But I'm warning you Error. There will be a consequence for your choice." He stated, turning away from me. "Good day." Nightmare waved his hand at me before he disappeared into thin air. I sat alone on the floor, going over what had just happened over and over in my head. Did I just make a big mistake? What if Nightmare tries to hurt Ink? Thoughts racing, I sat there, contemplating what to do now.

Ink's pov

I walked up to the skelebro's house, noticing there were another set of foot prints leading to the door. Maybe it's just Papyrus's foot prints. I thought, still not convinced. Stopping at the door, I hesitated before gently knocking on it. As the door swung open, a tall skeleton in an orange hoodie stood at the door. He looked down at me, confusion clouding his gaze. "Uh..heya Ink? Whatcha need?" The skeleton asked. "Hello Papyrus, is Blueberry around?" I asked, peeking behind Papyrus to try to see inside. Strangely, Papyrus blocked my view immediately. I looked up at him in confusion, to see a light shade of orange dusted across his face. "Er, yeah I'll get him." He replied. I narrowed my eyes, expecting an explanation as to why he had blocked me, but I sadly got nothing. A couple seconds after Papyrus had disappeared, a new shorter skeleton appeared, one who was closer to my height. "What brings you here Ink?" Blue asked, giving me a friendly smile. "Well, see I'm having a  love problem. And since you know a lot about it-" "You like Error, don't you?" He interrupted me. I nodded nervously, looking at the snow. When I looked back up at Blue, his eyes were sparkling. "This is great!" He shouted loudly. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Well, Error l-" Blue cut himself off quickly. "Error...what about Error?" More questions ran through my head, and Blue wasn't helping at all. "Er, nothing Ink!" He looked nervous, he was definitely keeping something from me. "Alright..." I muttered, narrowing my eye sockets. "I'm sorry, I want to tell you, but I can't!" Blue whined. "Why not?" I questioned him. "Because I promised Error I wouldn't tell you!!" He stammered. "Tell me what?" I asked, hoping I could get it out of him now that he was finding it harder. After all, I was Blue's best friend. "That he likes you, a lot!" He exclaimed. "H-he...likes me?" I stuttered in shock. Blue immediately covered his mouth, his eye sockets widening. "I-I shouldn't have said that..." He whispered. Without warning, he slammed the door in my face. Wow, rude...I thought, sighing and turning away from the door. I was about to start walking, when I came face to face with Error. I stumbled back, slipping on the snow and falling backwards. Before I could feel the cold snow on my back, a pair of arms caught me. "I-Ink! A-re you o-ok??" I blinked a few times, processing what had just happened. "I-Inky?" I shook my head slightly, snap back to reality. "U-u-uh yeah...I-I'm fine..." I stuttered, looking into Error's eyes. "T-thank a-sgore..." He pulled me up, holding my shoulders slightly. "U-um..." I muttered awkwardly. "O-oh...I-m s-sorry I-in-k!" Error exclaimed, letting go of me. "It's fine...what are you doing here anyway?" I asked, looking down at the snow. "I-I uh...I-I was going to talk to Bl-ue about S-something..." Error's voice glitched slightly as his face dusted yellow. I looked into his eyes once again, getting lost in my thoughts once again. If Blue's right and Error does actually like me in that way, maybe I It's too early. Or is it? "I-nk..?" Without hesitation, I stood on my toes and kissed Error. I could feel the heat from Error's face, let alone how burning mine was. Wait...what am I doing?! I backed away from Error, fear building up inside me. I'm not usually the type who would have anxiety attacks, but I knew for sure I was having one right now. I stood there awkwardly, frozen in fear. What have I done?

Look my first update since like October
I'm sorry

Merry Christmas Eve, and merry Christmas too


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