Chapter 3

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Ink's pov
"What are you doing!?" I growled, slashing my paint brush against Error's strings and breaking them, dropping the knife to the ground with a clang. "I-I'm trying t-o help you!" His glitchy voice was stern, as if he was actually serious with helping his enemy in a fight in which could kill him off, like he had always wanted. "Well, don't bother." I growled as the human snickered, slicing their knife at me. I dodged barley, the sound of the knife against the wind ringing in my mind. "I-its clear y-ou need my help I-Ink." Error chuckled, stepping beside me. "You two are arguing like a married couple!! Geez!" The human rolled they're eyes, preparing another attack. My face heated up slightly, hoping Error was too focused on the human to notice. "Kiddo, w-why did you even S-tart a fight with I-Ink?" That was a good question. Why had this human, who didn't even have any idea who I was, chose to attack me and not leave me be? "Because, dear Error, this isn't reality. So, anything could happen!" The human laughed. What did they mean this wasn't reality? Was this some damn dream? "I-Ink, I think this is a nightmare..." "NO DUH!" I snapped angrily. I glared at the human, growling. "And I know you're not really the human, because what human would drag me and Error into the same nightmare huh?" The so called, 'human' giggled. "Oh Ink. I'm only bringing you two together more! You clearly need it." Error seemed generally confused, which made sense since he had no idea what was going on. "No, we don't!" I yowled, flinging my paint brush at them. "I-Ink stop! F-fighting t-hem is p-pointless." Error sighed, grabbing my paintbrush with his strings, which made me glare at him. "Fine." I gave in, snatching my paintbrush from Error. "K-kid, leave u-us alone n-now." Error looked at the human, narrowing his eyes. "Fine, fine." With that said, they disappeared leaving me and Error in waterfall, alone. "W-what was that a-bout?" Error questioned, looking me in the eyes. "That was probably one of the Nightmares." I sighed. "Oh, I-I S-ee." I sat on the ground, setting my paintbrush down beside me. "Please don't fight me right now...I'm too weak and I need time to heal.." I mumbled, hoping Error would hear me. "I-I know Ink. I-I wasn't going to a-ttack you anyway." He sat down in front of me. He could probably tell I was confused, seeing how it was pretty obvious. "D-don't ask..." He sighed. It was nice we could finally sit down and normal people...not enemy's..."Why did you help me? You had a chance to kill me. Isn't that what you've always wanted?" And I just blew the chance. But, there were so many questions I wanted him to answer...I just couldn't help myself. "T-that's none of y-our concern, r-rainbow face." Error sighed. My face heated up slightly as I growled. "Oh, ok, glitch." I growled. Honestly, if I did love Error, sometimes I couldn't tell why. "Well, I'll leave you to destroy things now." I went to stand up, when he grabbed my arm. "I-Ink wait." I turned around, looking at my arm. "What?" I growled, pulling it away from Errors grasp. He took a deep breath before grabbing me again and pulling me down beside him. My face heated up. What was he trying to do? "I-I like talking t-to y-ou like this...l-ike normal people..." There was a certain longing in his voice, which confused me. "Oh?" I said, forcing myself to look away from Error. "Ink...I-I understand you're m-ad at me...b-but..." His voice trailed off. He put both his hands on the side of my face and turned my head so that I was looking at him. My face probably looked like a firework right now. Error chuckled, taking his hands away. "W-what's s-so funny?!" I stuttered, angry at myself for blushing so much. "Y-you look l-like a rainbow." He chuckled, looking into my eyes. I looked away quickly, my face heating up even more. I needed answers as to what was going minute Error's protecting me and the next he's joking with me. Like...friends. "Ink...I-I'm sorry." My eyes widened in surprise as I heard that sentence. I turned back to Error, looking into his eyes. "I-I...I'm sorry too..." I looked down, rubbing my neck slightly. "You h-ave nothing to b-be s-sorry for Ink..." I could hear the confusion in his voice. I stayed silent, the only noise escaping my mouth a quiet sigh. You tried to apologize...but I didn't let you...I probably have hurt you so much Error...I'm so sorry...but if only I had the guts to say that to him..."Y-you didn't h-urt me." He put his hand under my 'chin', (SHHH WHAT IS LOGIC) tilting my head up. "W-wha...h-how did you..." "I-Inky, I c-an read y-your mind." He interrupted me. "Oh...ok..." I sighed. Well, I'm fucked. I thought, hoping he wouldn't read my mind and see that. "W-well, I'm assuming it w-won't be long until you wake up..." Error pointed out. I nodded sadly. I liked talking with him like this, and being around him without fighting. I don't want to wake up. I closed my eyes, and next time I opened them I was back in my side of the multiverse.



In pain.
I realized that since one of the Nightmares, or someone, had made the dream, I still had the scars and lost all the hp. "Guess I'll have to fix that..." I sighed, getting up. I walked over to my sketch book, picking it up. I guess I'll just draw for now...

Error's pov

I woke up back in the multiverse, my small pile of puppets beside me. I groaned as the feeling of loneliness struck me again. And yet still, there was a different feeling as well. The one I'd been feeling for
I hadn't been keeping track. "I-I have to do something about this...f-ind out what this feeling s-so that I-it'll go a-way!" I growled. Of course, I could ask Ink. But...I didn't think he'd want to see me at the moment. So, I went to someone else I was quite familiar with, Swap Sans. I opened a portal and jumped in, finding myself right in front of the familiar brown, festive looking house. I knocked quietly, nervous about seeing Blue again. As the door opened, I was met face to face with his cheerful smile. "Hey Error! What brings you here?" Blue said in his normal happy tone. "I-I came t-o ask you about s-something." I muttered nervously. "Oh! Ok, come in and we can talk about it inside!" I caught a glimpse of Blue's brother as he passed the door frame, probably going to the kitchen. "N-no...I-d rather s-stay o-ut here..." I sighed. "Oki doki! So, what seems to be the problem?" Blue asked, looking at me as I put my hands in my pockets. "I-I've been having t-hese feelings lately...I-I want to always be around t-his person...I-I want to protect t-them...a-nd other things..." I explained as quickly as I could, leaving out the warm feelings and...other...feelings I got. (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) " seems like you might be in love!" That word made me freeze. L...ove...? "E-Er...a-re you s-sure..?" I couldn't be in love with Ink...I couldn't be. It was impossible! "I mean, just from what you explained it seems like it!" Blue smiled, looking at me. "So who's the special person~?" I awkwardly rubbed my arm at his question. "T-that's none o-f your business..." I said awkwardly. "I understand. Well, good luck confessing to whoever it is!" I froze again. "Confess..? A-are you joking..?! He could never k-know I love h-him!" I said, sadness edging my voice. "Him?" Blue muttered quietly, before straightening up again and smiling. "Come on Error. Whoever it is must be pretty great to have you, the destroyer of aus, falling in love with them! You have to tell them!" I sighed. Blue was right. I'd have to tell him sometime. Just...not yet. "T-thanks Blue...I-I'll s-ee you around..." I sighed. "Bye!" Blue smiled wider, waving as he shut the door. I created another portal back to the multiverse and jumped in, landing back next to my pile of puppets. I noticed Ink's puppet laying across the room, and I used my strings to pull it over to me. I looked at him, noticing he looked a bit upset. I sighed. "H-he's s-o adorable..." I observed, hugging the puppet close. It wasn't too long after that I fell asleep, the puppet of Ink close to my chest.

I opened my eyes not soon after, but this time I was sitting in what seemed like Outertale. Sitting beside me, was Ink. Forgetting all my Questions of how I got here, I looked over at Ink and smiled. He looked over at me as well, his smile making me blush. "Error...can I tell you something?" He asked, looking into my eyes. "Y-you can tell m-e anything I-Inky..." I replied. "Error...I-I love you." He muttered, looking away nervously. "I-i know you probably don't love me back...but-" I interrupted him bye 'kissing' him. Aka, clanking my teeth against his. Ink's eyes widened in shock as I pulled back, smiling. "I-I love y-ou too I-nk." I said happily.
But in a split moment...
It was gone.
He was gone.
And it had only been a dream.
As I woke back up into reality, I felt frustration and sadness gather inside my soul. Why couldn't I just tell him?! Who cares if I was gay. Blue was right, I had to. I stood up, pushing the puppet of Ink into my pocket. This was it. Ink would finally know I didn't want to hurt him. I wanted him to be mine. No matter what.

AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA CLIFF HANGER MA BROS. I'm so sorry lmao. Well, anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm attempting to write everything, but I'll probably end up working on the next chapter of this first. Ok, bye

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