Chapter 7

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Error's pov
After we finished tidying up the puppets, I kept glancing around suspiciously. I knew someone was watching us...and if it was Nightmare, things would go to hell quickly. I could tell Ink was on edge, as he kept glancing at a certain part of the dark shadows. Had he seen something, but just not told me? I sighed, hoping that wasn't the case. I wanted Ink to trust me. After all, we did love each other. "I-Ink, d-did y-ou see S-something over t-here?" I asked, turning my head to the spot he kept looking. "Yeah...I thought I saw a bit of blue." He replied steadily. At the mention of the word 'blue', my guards immediately went up. Though it could be many characters stalking us, for example, Blueberry, or classic. But one Sans in particular crossed my mind. Ink had said a bit of blue. If it had really been any other character, wouldn't he have seen a lot of blue? Come to think of it, there really was no other Sans who blended into the shadows as well, too. I looked around the room carefully, trying to spot even the slightest movement, or sign, the Nightmare was here. "Error? What's wrong?" Ink asked, confused. "W-we're not S-afe here." I muttered quietly, continuing to look around. "Why not?" Ink asked, tilting his head and following my gaze. "T-there's someone e-lse here with us. W-we should go t-o your p-place." I whispered in my raspy, glitching voice. "Sure, Error." Ink said, clearly thinking this was a joke. I decided I'd explain to him after we got to a safer place, away from Nightmare and his judging gaze. I shivered as I imagined Nightmare watching us from the shadows in disgust, planning how to get rid of the two of us. Ink had made a portal to his part of the multiverse, beckoning me with his hand. "Are you just going to stand there?" He chuckled. "I-I'm coming, I'm c-oming." I muttered, walking through the portal with him. "So, why weren't we safe in your part of the multiverse?" Ink asked, sitting on his couch, which was clearly painted by none other than himself. I sat beside him, glancing around worriedly. "Y-you said y-you s-aw a bit of blue, S-so I just freaked out a b-it..." I muttered. "Were you...scared?" Ink asked, clearly holding in his laughter. "Y-yes, I was S-cared! I-it could have b-been N-ightmare!" I said in panic. His face immediately grew more serious as I mentioned Nightmare's name. "Really? Oh...well, now I understand." He muttered awkwardly. We sat there in silence, as I thought about how I could protect Ink from Nightmare. I knew first hand how dangerous he could be, and I didn't want Ink getting caught up in a mess like that. He could get hurt, or worse...killed. For now, I'd need to keep a sharp eye out for Nightmare. But...if things got too worse...I might have to go as far as...I shook my head, clearing the thought. I loved Ink, and could never leave him. "Error, be honest with me. Why would Nightmare be watching us?" Ink asked, glancing at me. I grunted. I was hoping I didn't have to explain this right now, but it seems like I had no choice. If I didn't tell Ink, he'd find some way to figure out why anyway, so why not save him the trouble? "H-e doesn't agree w-with our r-elationship. S-o, he wants t-to kill us." I explained, attempting to make it as simple as possible for the colourful creator. Ink grunted, rolling his non-existent eyes. "Of course he doesn't. I don't know what I expected." He muttered. "So," he began, straightening up a bit. "What are we going to do about it then?" He asked. I froze, my eyes resting on him. "D-do?" I repeated, as if I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Well, duh. We're not just going to stand by and let him destroy our relationship, right? We could get Blue and Dream, and they could help us battle hi-" "I-I'm not d-oing that." I interrupted Ink, hissing. I didn't mean to be rude, of course, but it would be impossible to defeat Nightmare. I should know, we were allies once. "We could at least try it." Ink huffed, like the cutie he is. "I-I just d-on't want you t-o get h-hurt." I sighed. "Aw, Error, its good to know you care about me~" He smirked. "S-hut up S-Skittles." I mumbled, my face heating up a bit in embarrassment. "I know ya love me Glitch." Ink chuckled. "S-o now we h-have n-icknames, huh?" I smiled. How could I ever think about leaving this adorable rainbow? Ink giggled, a rainbow blush covering his face. Suddenly, he stopped giggling, his face growing more serious. "We're getting off topic, Error...we need to plan our attack." He muttered. "N-ow?" I grunted. No matter how much I didn't want to do this, there seemed to be no other choice, for now. "Yes, now. We need more people if we're going to take on Nightmare." Ink said thoughtfully, looking at the ground. "A-and we'll need e-ven more I-if he brings r-reinforcements." I pointed out. "Well, at least I know where to start." Ink looked back at me, interest showing in his eye sockets. "O-h really?" I rolled my eyes. This better be a good person, if they were to help us. "Think about it. Who's the closest to Nightmare?" He pushed. "U-h...Cross?" I guessed, half knowing I was wrong. "No..." Ink created a portal, looking back at me. Inside the portal, was an Au I recognized too well. The Au where Nightmare had been created. "Y-you're kidding...r-ight?" I grunted, staring at the portal. "It may be one of our only hopes, Error. Now, come on." Ink chuckled, his eyes encouraging me. "F-ine." I grumbled, walking into the portal behind him.
Dreamtale, 43-".

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