Chapter 18

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Ink's Pov.

Nightmare had directed me to where Cross had said he would be, and now I stood there. Watching as he flirted with yet another female monster from a different Au. I stared in disgust as the other monster looked flattered, laughing quietly. As soon as Cross smirked, leaning towards the girl, I knew I couldn't stand it anymore. I stepped out from my hiding place behind a tree, clearing my 'throat' to get Cross's attention. Cross looked at me in surprise, his face turning pale (theoretically). "I-Ink, I-" "Save it Cross, I have something to say." I interrupted him. The female monster looked awkward as she dipped her head, glancing at me. "I should go." She muttered, quickly shuffling away. Cross looked after her, a look of longing in his eyes as he watched her walk off. I cleared my 'throat' again, turning Cross's attention back to me. "What is it you want to talk about, Ink?" Cross asked, tilting his skull. I took a deep breath, gathering all the strength I could. "You are aware I see how you look at other female monsters, correct?" I asked sarcastically. There was a small pause. "Ink, it's not what you think-" "Then what is it? The night you were drunk, Nightmare told me he brought you back to my house after he found you and that girl making out." I took a deep breath, controlling my anger before going on. "Save your breath and don't bother explaining. I don't think you can do much more to defend yourself. Cross, we are over." I growled. Cross looked hurt for a split second, before anger quickly seeped into him. "I took you from depressed to happy. I treated you like a king. And this is what I get?!" Cross hissed, furious. "What you did for me?? Cross, you barely were ever with me! You were always busy with either your friends, or some other girl! Don't try saying you brought me out of my depression!" I growled. Without warning, Cross raised his hand and slapped me hard. I felt tears well in my eyes as I rubbed my cheek, glaring at Cross with hatred. "Go home, Ink." He muttered. "My pleasure." I said quietly, turning away from Cross and walking off. I created a portal, and after making sure Cross hadn't followed me, I jumped in. To my surprise, Error was waiting on my couch. He stood up quickly as he saw me, rushing over to my side. "H-e hurt y-ou!" He exclaimed, putting his hand on my burning cheek bone. I put my hand on top of Error's, sighing. "D-did you b-reak up w-ith him...?" Error asked gently. I nodded, feeling a few tears drip down my face. Error wiped them away quickly, shaking his head. "H-he deserved it." Error growled. "What do you mean..?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion. Error paused. "I-nk, do you know w-what he was g-oing to do t-to you?" Error asked. I shook my head lightly, getting even more confused. "I-I over heard h-im talking t-to someone, saying h-he wanted t-o kill y-ou, and then d-destroy all the Aus." Error explained. My eye sockets widened at his explanation. But it wasn't long before my surprise turned to fury. "He was using me!" I growled. Error looked away slightly, his face solemn. "I-I never meant for you to b-e so upset...I-I just...didn't want you t-o die." Error sighed. I smiled, my fury being replaced by love for this glitched skeleton. "You're so sweet..." I muttered, placing my hand gently on his cheek bone. Error placed his hand on top of mine, smiling as well. That was the first time I'd seen him smile in a long time."I love you, Error." I whispered, this time loud enough for the destroyer to hear. Error's face turned a light shade of yellow as his eye- sockets widened. "I-I love y-ou too Inky." He replied. With that said, we both leaned in closer to each other, kissing. We kissed for a while, somewhere in there with Error falling backwards onto the couch with me on top of him. We would have gone for longer, if it hadn't been for the deep chuckle we heard from the door. "Sorry to interrupt, but aren't we going to do something about Cross?" Nightmare chuckled. I quickly pulled away from Error, my face heating up in embarrassment. "U-uh, yes, that." I stuttered. Error sat up, as I moved to the empty spot beside him. Nightmare closed the door, which, in my idiocy, i had forgotten to lock, and came to sit next to Error as well. "W-hat do you S-suggest w-e do N-Nightmare?" Error asked. "Fight, of course. It would be 7 against 2, so we would easily win." Nightmare replied simply. "7?" "2?" Me and Error both questioned. "Yes, 2 Ink. Cross, and Cross Chara, who was the person you saw him talking to Error." Nightmare explained before turning to Error. "And yes, 7. SwapFell Sans will be joining in our side of the fight." Nightmare finished. "Actually, make that 8." I groaned, looking at the door as Dream spoke bravely. I really need to start locking my door. "Brother?" Nightmare gasped, looking at Dream. Ah...right...I forgot they were brothers for a bit. Dream walked to us, sitting in front of the couch in a cross legged way. "Hi, Night!" Dream said cheerfully. I knew that missing staff had effected his mood. There was an awkward silence as Nightmare stared at Dream in astonishment. "A-alright, enough o-f this. L-let's get going." Error grumbled. "U-uh, yeah sure Error." Nightmare stood up, using one of his tentacles to create a portal. I didn't know he could do that...We all walked in, arriving in what I presumed was Nightmare's 'hideout'. "Now, we have no clue where Cross is at the moment, but we did have Horror plant a tracking device on him this morning. So, we can check that." Nightmare explained, having Dust hand him a tablet. "H-ow did you d-do that?" Error asked dryly. "He was sleeping." Nightmare said simply. Error grunted, moving closer to me. I smiled slightly, taking his hand gently. Nightmare turned the tablet on, looking on some tracking app. Everyone was quiet for a second as the tracker loaded. "He's in Underswap." Nightmare said loudly so everyone could hear. "Oh, no!" Dust exclaimed. Error looked at him in full confusion, a few others doing the same. "What if he hurts Blue?" Dust asked worriedly. "T-hen we'll j-ust have t-to get there e-arly." Error growled. "Alright, here's the plan." Nightmare started as everyone gathered around him in a circle. "We'll spread out, attack him from different angles so that he won't expect it. Dust, you and Horror will strike first. Attack him from the front." Dust and Horror nodded to Nightmare before going to find their weapons. "SwapFell, you and Killer will strike from the left side. Remember, only strike a little bit after Horror and Dust." The two mentioned nodded, as they rushed off. I thought I saw SwapFell with a sadistic look in his eyes, but I shook it off. "Ink, you and Error will strike from the left side." Nightmare paused, looking me up and down. "Be extra careful." He stated. "Wh- are you saying I'm weaker than the rest of those here??" I growled. "No, I'm saying we can't have you dying." Nightmare sighed. "L-let it be I-nky, lets go g-et ready." Error muttered, grabbing my arm gently and leading me away. "We're already ready?" I questioned. "I-I know, I just wanted to do t-his." Error explained, kissing me. I kissed him back, smiling slightly. Error pulled away quickly, making me whine quietly. "W-e need t-to be prepared." Error pointed out slyly. "Right." I said, rolling my eyes. "Alright, Dust, Horror, are you two ready?" Nightmare asked loudly. "Yes." The two said in unison. "Alright, then lets roll out guys." Nightmare said jokingly. Error made a glitched portal, grabbing my hand as we jumped in together. I will punish Cross for trying to hurt us. Yes, I knew he wanted to kill Error as well. How could he only want to kill me? Me and Error were practically inseparable. I felt a smirk grow on my face as I twirled my paintbrush around. Justice will be served tonight.

;-; writing fight scenes yayyyyyy
I'm not good at writing fight scenes, hhh. But, I will try my best. I'm sorry if it will suck.
Well, we'll see. Bye.

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