Chapter 4

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Ink's pov (a couple minutes after the dream.)

I sat alone drawing, as tears dripped down my face. I'm so stupid. I'm in love with Error, and I know that now. But...I sighed in frustration as some of the tears dripped onto my drawing. "Great." I mumbled, tearing out the page and throwing it across the room. I began a new drawing, this time drawing me and Error together. We were holding hands as we sat under the stars...I sighed sadly. If only that would really happen. I thought sadly. I decided I'd color it, to make it look more ascetically pleasing.

•Time skip because your local author is lazy lmao•

I finished painting, wiping my head and sighing. Of course, there was paint all over my hands, so now it was all over my face. I was about to go wash up when I heard a noise echo through the multiverse. "I-Ink?" I jumped up in surprise, looking at the source of the glitchy voice. "E-Error? What are you doing here?" I stuttered, my face heating up in embarrassment. Error chuckled as he saw the paint on me. "W-well you've b-een busy." He joked, avoiding my question. Had he come here to battle me? Or did he come to talk about something else? I looked down in embarrassment, my face heating up as I kicked my sketch book behind me. "Q-quit the small talk Error. Why did you come here?" I asked. Error sighed as I looked up at him. "I-I came t-o talk to you." He grunted. "O-oh, that's great! I wanted to talk to you too." I said nervously. "But, you go first" I invited quickly. "W-ell...I wanted t-o ta-lk A-about us...I-nk." He sighed. My face heated up, thoughts going through my mind of the possibilities of what he might of meant. He could mean as more than friends...what if he likes me? No...he wouldn't. Maybe he wants to be friends? Too many possibilities...agh. "U-us?" I stuttered. "I-I don't w-want to f-ight a-anymore!" Error said quickly, his voice glitching more than normal. "Y-you don't?" I repeated his words in my head, each time trying to reassure myself this was not a dream, nor a prank. "N-no...that dream m-made m-e realize h-ow m-much I c-care about" My soul sped up (go with it I'm trying) as my cheekbones heated up. I tried telling myself that's not what he meant at all, but this time nothing worked, and I couldn't stop my whole face from feeling as if it were on fire. Error seemed to realize what he had said, and his eye sockets widened, his cheekbones dusted in a light yellow. "I-I didn't m-ean it th-at way!" He quickly stated, seeming extremely embarrassed. Although, who wouldn't be in this situation? "Don't worry Error, I know you didn't." I sighed, calming down and forcing myself to not stutter. "S-o...can w-we start over? M-maybe" He added the last part in as a whisper, as if he wasn't too sure he wanted me to hear it. "O-of course!" Excitement streamed through me, but I had to control myself. I didn't need to look desperate...especially in front of Error. "I-I'm mean, yes. Of course Error." I quickly corrected myself. I heard a chuckle from Error, but when I looked into his eye sockets all I could see was my own happiness reflected in them. "So, w-what was it you wanted to talk t-o m-me ab-out?" I froze up as he asked me that question. I had been so intent on what Error was saying, I hadn't thought about what I had said earlier. Well...I guess it's now or never...isn't it. I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. I can't. "Oh, nothing important! You don't need to worry about it!" I explained, forcing a smile. My own calmness surprised me, seeing the situation I was in. "A-are y-ou sure? W-we've got l-ots of ti-me!" Error pointed out. "Y-yup, I'm sure as I'll ever be!" I lied. He narrowed his eyes, as if to say 'I don't possibly believe you.' But, he seemed to get over it rather quickly. "W-well, I should p-robably g-get going." He said nervously. "What? Didn't you just say you had lots of time?" I asked sadly. Was he just trying to avoid me? "A-ah yes...well, s-ee, I-I...I fo-rgot I h-have to m-eet up with S-some other Sans's for lu-nch!" He said, his voice glitching like crazy. "Ah...I-I see..." I sighed sadly, knowing he was just trying to avoid me. "I-I'll s-ee you la-ter Ink!" Error said quickly, teleporting away. "Yeah...sure you will..." I turned away from where he had been, and concentrated on getting the paint off of my face. I took a cloth that I had kept beside me while painting, and wiped my hands and face. That should be good...I thought. Now alone with nothing to do, I couldn't help but think about Error. So much, I almost got lost in my thoughts...again. I need to confess to him somehow. but I just can't! I need someone to help me. That's when it hit me. I know someone who knows a lot about love, they should be able to help me. It was just a matter of if I could bring myself to visit him again...but what choice did I have? I needed this help badly, and he was the only one who could help. I stood up and grabbed my paintbrush, making a portal to where I needed to go.
I hopped through, my sneakers hitting the snow with a small crunch. I was going to do this, no matter how much it pained me.
And if Error doesn't like me back?
I can't worry about that now. Right now, I needed the determination to continue. Nothing would stop me. Not now.

I'm so sorry that took me so long to write!! I'm on vacation right now, so I've been really busy...and I just wanted to say, thank you for all the support I've gotten on this book. It really means a lot to me, all the nice comments, votes, and things like that. Thank you all, and I will try super hard next time to finish writing it sooner! Until the next chapter everyone!

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