Chapter 17

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Ink's Pov.

Ever since that meeting with the skeleton named Thorn, I had felt whatever love I had before held for Cross fading. All the lies he told me, saying "I'll love you forever, and only you." I growled, shaking my head at the thought. After that night, I continued to make Cross sleep in the spare room. I couldn't stand sleeping beside him, not when I knew I'd look over and expect him to be someone else. Who, You ask? Well...Error, of course. Thorn had said he talked about me every day, and that he still cared about me. So, why is it he kept avoiding me? Don't think I didn't see him, sitting alone at the places that were special to us. And yet when he'd see me, he'd always if I were some sort of bad dream he was trying to escape. My mind trailed back to Thorn's appearance. I wasn't stupid, it wasn't hard to tell he was Error. Of course he had done a good job keeping the glitches out of his voice, and setting up a disguise, but...the black bones gave it away. Plus, no matter how hard he tried, I could still see the strings coming out of his eyes. I sat on the couch as Cross slept, thinking things over. Error hadn't been cheating on me, he just wanted to protect me. And yet...I sent him away. God, I'm so stupid. Suddenly, I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. "Ink, sweetie, I'm hanging out with the boys today. Are you ok with that?" Cross asked, walking to the door and pausing. I forced a quiet "yeah, Sure." Out of my mouth, trying my hardest not to snap. I knew Cross wasn't just 'hanging out with the boys.' My mind strayed back to Error, and how he would never cheat or lie to me. I missed him so much..."Can I get a goodbye kiss?~" Cross asked flirtatiously, shaking me out of my thoughts. "No, Cross. Just go." I muttered. ", you can't still be mad at me for getting drunk..." Cross whined. "Stop with the pet names, ok?!" I hissed, glaring at him. He looked taken aback, but thankfully he knew better than to continue. There was a small moment of silence before he opened the door. "I'll see you later then, Ink..." He sighed, walking out and closing the door behind him. I stared after Cross, questions running through my head. When will you break up with him, Ink? How many more times will he cheat on me? I lowered my head at the memories coming back. Cross coming home late, reassuring me it was nothing while clearly smelling of perfume and roses. I couldn't take this pain anymore, it was too much to watch while my happiness fell apart in front of me. Was this how Error had felt? I picked up a pillow, smacking it against my face. Memories of the night Cross had confessed to me appeared in my mind.
"Ink, I love you with my heart. I understand you probably aren't over Error yet, but I just thought I'd tell you."
Was it all some stupid game to him? Is that all my love is?? My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Groaning, I stood up, walking to the door and answering it. Outside the door, stood the skeleton I had longed to see and talk to for so long. His normal Black shorts were replaced by a pair of slightly ripped Black pants, and his normal Crimson slippers being replaced by a pair of Red sneakers. He looked so different, with tear stains marked on his face. There was a bit of silence, before Error dipped his head in respect. "I-'ve come to a-apologize." He muttered bravely. A small smile spread across my face at his words. "There's no need to apologize, Error. I understand that it is me who is in the wrong now." I said softly. He raised his head to look me in the eyes, a look of surprise on his face. "W-what?? N-o, not at all I-nk!" Error exclaimed. Ah, Error...always so sweet...I shook my head slightly. "I turned you away before you could explain why you were doing what you did. I let my emotions get the best of me, and I shouldn't have." I mumbled. "D-o you think I care?" Error embraced me in a gentle hug. "I-I loved you, a-and I a-lways will. I-'m sorry I did w-what I did." He whispered. His voice sent shivers down my spine. Is this what real love felt like? Is this what feelings felt like? I remembered the time before I had met Error. Not only that, but the time while we were fighting as well.

~oh would you look at that, another flash back.~

I sat alone in the bleak anti void. Ever since my brother had disappeared, I'd been alone. I'd lost all my feelings. Love, joy, anger, but most importantly...hope. It was such a bitter thing, hope. Forcing you to believe things would be ok, when really, nothing would ever be ok again. After mom and dad had died, I continued to hope. Hope that one day, we'd get over it, me and Paps. Hope that the future was brighter. But, it wasn't, was it? I brought my knees to my chest. I missed mom and dad so much. The painter and the writer was what the others in Inktale would call them. Me and Papyrus inherited both of their skills, though Pap used to be a way better writer than me. There were two Au's at that time, Undertale, and Inktale. Now, there was only one. I felt tears well at the corners of my eyes as I stood up. I couldn't just sit there, could I? I need to make more Au's. I don't know if I have that power, but the least I can do is try. Grabbing my huge paintbrush, I began to paint. Paint like I'd never painted before. As I painted, I watched the things I created turn...alive. And such was the birth of the second known Au, Underswap.

~Flash back begone~

Error stood there hugging me gently, as I hugged him back. I owed him so much, how could I ever repay him? "I love you." I whispered. "W-hat was that?" Error asked. I paused. There was something else I would need to do before I could tell him. "Nothing." I sighed, pulling away from Error. "Look, I need to go. I'll talk to you later, ok?" I muttered, walking back inside my house. I looked over at my shoulder, smiling solemnly at Error. "Bye." I said. "B-ye?" Error echoed, clearly confused. I didn't blame him. I closed the door, opening a portal to where I knew Cross and his buddies lived. I took a deep breath. Do I really want to do this? Then I remembered how happy I felt around Error. Cross would never make me feel like that. I needed to do this. I stepped through the portal, closing it behind me.

Error's Pov.

...Did I do something wrong?

We're...kinda nearing the end of this book. There's a couple more things I want to happen, but honestly, those could be contained in 2 or 3 chapters. So...expect this book to be completed soon. Also, as I said in the very 1st chapter, Ink's backstory in this is not cannon. I just kinda...thought this happened.

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