chapter twelve - return of the entherion

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        "gray! Tsk! Purgatory armor!"... I swing my sword to his direction

"futile..." He cut my sword into two.

"wha!?".. A flying kick came hitting my face,

"where have you held lissana!?." I asked in demand!.

"answering that is futile...." He swing his finger is made my armor crumble.

"e-erza!, tssk! Darn you! Ice make canon!"..

He swing his finger and it made the canon split.

"wha! Again ice make geyser!". Ice geyser appeared, and hit him right on.

"nice!". Gray smiled.

"ok! trinity sword !!"... My swords hit him... He was laying down, is he defeated?

"that was quick!".. Gray assumed.


As we are about to leave my armor disappeared and gray flew all the way up.

"huh!!?.." I quickle requip and deffend myself to his attack.. "what the?"

"futile! Your attacks are futile"..




Where the heck are we now? Ugh! Lu-- I mean hanna is on here battle face again... She is seriously angry, haaa~ the atmosphere is quite awkward.  *bump*

"ouch!?".. She suddenly stop walking!. "he--"

"shh!". She cover my mouth with her right hand.


Her hand its cold, she let go and pulled my arm. "hey natsu stop spacing around." She snap me back in reality.

"y-yeah".. Is it just me or is her hand cold, maybe the gloves? She really is mysterious!.

"natsu here!". She made a tiny hole I took a peek, and its a hole showing a temple? Its grand I can see hal in there. And wait! Lissanna!!!

She's unconscious! Is she hurt!?, tsk! Ill make them pay!

"move away." She took a peek then her face suddenly turn pale. "no way!".

"huh!? I know hal is in there!".

"n-not that! Zeref!".. Her voice quiver


"t-the rebirth of zefer!"...  Her hand balled into a fists.

"but how!".

"tsk! C-CERES!". She punched the wall open. "CERES!"

"hmmm?".. Ceres turn her look on us then smirked.

"ah! W-wait!" She is so hasty!.

"ceres let my brother go!".. She held my hand tight then jump down .

"hmmm? it seems you know what the ritual is about!".

She stump her foot on the floor and flames came out from her body, waut those are my flames!? "IDIOT! Do you want to die!"

Ceres laughed, "do you think im scared! If I brought zeref back to yhis world! He would be under my control, then i will use him to take over the world of magic!".

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