Meeting Sledge

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"Hey! Watch it!"



"My bad!"

"Look out!"

With a scream, the young brunette ducked and rolled under the tail of a t-rex skeleton in the middle of the museum. She jumped back on her board once she was on the other side and skated through the throng of visitors, as she headed for the cafe.

Outside the giant dinosaur head, the brunette dismounted her skateboard, stomped on the back and grabbed it as it was propelled into the air. She unbuckled her helmet as she entered the cafe, grinning at the brunette boy sitting at the counter.

"Hey, Chase," she said, popping up beside him.

Chase Randall turned in his seat and smirked. "I thought I heard angry voices," he said, his New Zealand accent thick. "Kendall's going to kill you, you know?"

The brunette shrugged. "When isn't she trying to kill me?" she asked. "Where is she, anyway? Doesn't she usually have her lunch about this time?"

"She's in the base," said Tyler, wandering over. He was dressed and ready to start his shift. "Working on some special project. I tried to get her to tell me what, but she ushered me out before I could get a word in."

"Ooh! Now I'm intrigued," the brunette said, grinning. "Maybe I could sneak down and get a peak."

"I wouldn't even try it, Ade," Shelby said, popping up beside Tyler. "You may be good on a set of wheels, but we all know you're a bumbling buffoon otherwise."

Ade, or Adelaide, gaped and the younger girl as Tyler and Chase chuckled. "That trip was an accident!" she defended. "I didn't see the step."

"You'd been sitting on it for an hour!" Shelby laughed.

"Meanie!" Adelaide pouted. "I'm not talking to you ever again."

"Sure you're not," Shelby said, turning and grabbing a brown paper bag from the kitchen window. "Not even if I saved your favourite breakfast burger?"

Adelaide eyed the brown paper bag and reached out to grab it. Shelby pulled it back and smiled sweetly.

"Fine," Adelaide caved. "Just give me my breakfast, I'm starved."

Shelby handed over the bag and Adelaide reached inside, pulled out the breakfast burger and bit into her. Shelby rolled her eyes and scoffed. "You eat like a guy, you know that right?" she asked.

"Whaaaa-?" Adelaide asked.

"Statement confirmed," Shelby said.

Adelaide shook her head and swallowed her burger. "Hey, when you grow up with two older brothers and an older sister, you learn to eat your food quickly," she said. "If you didn't then you risk losing it."

"I'm surprised you haven't made yourself sick, yet," said Tyler.

"I'm used to it," Adelaide replied. She paused as she went to take another bite, and looked up at her friends again. "Where are Koda and Riley?"

"Riley's training, as per usual, and I think Koda is sleeping, still," said Chase.

Adelaide made a small noise as she tried to stuff as much of her burger into her mouth. Shelby made a noise of disgust and walked away, heading back to the kitchen and Tyler headed over to the till to serve another customer.

Chase grabbed his drink and turned to Adelaide. "I'm hitting the new skate park tonight if you're game," he said.

Adelaide nodded, unable to speak through a mouthful of food.

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