Search and Rescue

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"Oh, that one! No, no! That one! Yes, definitely that one!"

"You've said that about the last eight!" Chase groaned. "Would you pick one and stick with it already?"

Adelaide frowned and poked Chase in the shoulder. "Hey, this is super important!" she said. "Those eight bikes were amazing to look at, but I need something that'll work not just look good."

"It's a bike!" Chase exclaimed. "All bikes are the same."

"Nuh-huh!" Adelaide argued. "Would you settle for the first skateboard you looked at? Or would you want to look for more options?"

Chase hesitated. "That's different," he finally said. "Skateboards are meant for show!"

"So, you're telling me, you'd have a brand spanking new skateboard because it looked good, but you wouldn't care how it performed?" Adelaide asked.

Chase shrugged.

"What if it was faulty craftsmanship?" Adelaide asked. "What if, when you were riding it, the wheels fell off? What if, when you perform a trick, the board splits when you land?"

Chase poked her in the shoulder. "Shut up," he said, turning the page of the BMX Magazine.

Spotting another bike she liked, Adelaide gasped and poked the page repeatedly. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" she said, almost hyperventilating.

Chase rolled his eyes and marked down the tenth bike. He had been taken note of the bikes Adelaide had taking a liking to, including the page numbers so they would be able to find them better next time.

"What are you guys doing?" Riley asked, walking over. They were in the base waiting for Kendall to reveal her top secret project. The only person not present was Koda.

"She's being a pain," Chase said.

"Am not!" Adelaide whined. She looked up at Riley. "I need a new BMX bike, and my sister said she'd buy one for me, so I'm just looking for the perfect one."

"You're sister's going to wire you the money for a new bike?" Shelby asked with a hint of uncertainty.

Adelaide scoffed. "You're kidding, right? After last time, I don't think she'd trust me with that much money ever again," she said.

"What happened last time?" Tyler asked.

Adelaide blushed.

Chase chuckled. "We don't talk about what happened last time," he explained. "Just know it wasn't pretty."

Tyler and Riley exchanged looks as Shelby cracked a grin.

"When you're all ready," Kendall called from the other side of the lab. She was setting up a veiled object in the middle of the room, ready for her presentation. "I'd like to get started."

The team wandered over, Adelaide poking Chase in the stomach and glaring at him. He was still chuckling from the memory of her blowing 500 bucks that her sister had given her for a new bike. It wasn't her fault she had gotten excited.

"So, what's the new project, Kend - Ms. Morgan?" Shelby asked switching course as soon as Kendall shot her a look. The team, other than Koda, wasn't allowed to call her 'Kendall'. Being a person of authority she preferred to be addressed by her last name.

Kendall gripped the white sheet covering her project and ripped it off. Underneath was an engine-driven yellow, white, and black bike.

The team gasped in surprise, and then exchanged excited grins.

"Meet your new Dino Cycles!" Kendall said.

"Oh!" Adelaide gasped. "This is so much better than a BMX!"

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