When Logic Fails

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"So, because you destroyed the E-Tracer, does that mean we have to go back to digging for energems now?" Adelaide asked. She had been sent to get pizza with Chase while the others figured out their next plan of attack from the lab.

Chase shrugged. "Maybe," he said.

Adelaide whined. She hated digging and searching for energems. It was also tiring sweaty work.

"We used to have fun digging for energems," Chase reminded her.

"Yeah, when it was less than 90 degrees."

Chase chuckled and kick-flipped his board. "We'll dig in a place that has lots of shade, shall we?" he asked.

Adelaide scowled and stuck her tongue out at him. "Why can't Shelby and Ms Morgan just make a new E-Tracer? They made the first one, surely it can't be that hard to make another?" she asked.

"You can suggest that when we get back to the base," said Chase. "I don't know about you, but these pizzas are making me hungry. It's taking all the self-control I have to not stop and devour them now."

"Not to mention Koda would probably try and eat you if you went back without food."

Chase chuckled. "That too," he agreed.

Adelaide giggled and the pair skated around the corner, only to tumble off their boards as a couple of kids run into them.

Chase yelled out as the pizza boxes he had been carrying flew into the air, and opened before landing on the grass all around them. "Hey!" he yelled at the two kids. "Thanks!"

"You scaredy-cats!"

Adelaide looked around as a third voice joined the ruckus, and quickly nudged Chase. "I found the reason for their screams," she said, pointing at the monster.

"Wait, stop!" Chase yelled as the monster tried to run back into the building behind him.

Running forward, Adelaide jumped over the wall and kick-flipped the monster causing him to trip over the stone steps outside the building. The monster turned and swung his staff at her, but missed as she ducked and Chase jumped over her, grabbed the staff and forced it down as he landed.

"Who are you?" the monster asked. "Their babysitters?"

"You owe the Rangers a new lunch," Chase said.

"You're Rangers? Oh, geez!"

The monster tugged his staff away from Chase and stepped back as Adelaide joined him.

"What are you doing here?" Chase asked.

"If you were as smart as me, you wouldn't have to ask," the monster said.

Chase grabbed the staff again as the monster threw it at him. The two fought for control of the weapon, as Adelaide jumped forward and kicked the monster in the arm. He twisted around, hauling Chase off of his feet and tossing him into Adelaide. The two stumbled towards the giant chess board, and Chase grabbed a black statue, using it as a weapon.

"Don't you know pawns always lose?" the monster laughed.

"Yeah, but the Queen is the strongest!" Adelaide shouted, grabbing a white queen and tossing it at the monster. He dropped his staff and threw the chess piece back at her, knocking her to the floor.

"Time to crown you, ranger!" the monster said, grabbing a black king and charging Chase. He blocked Chase's attack with the pawn and jabbed him in the stomach with the king. Chase groaned and landed beside Adelaide. The monster laughed and stood over them. "Now to destroy you," he said.

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