Double Ranger, Double Danger

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"Monica loves me, Monica loves me not," Chase muttered, pulling the petals of a daisy apart. He paused as he reached the last one and sighed, tossing the flower over his shoulder. "Oh well, Monica's loss. Tina loves me," he reached for another flower and proceeded to tear its petals off.

Adelaide rolled her eyes from beside him. "You know you're going to get the same result every time, right?" she asked.

"How would you know?" Chase said.

"Because you're an idiot that doesn't realise what he's doing. Besides, that doesn't even work."

Chase opened his mouth to retaliate but cut off as Tyler jumped and let out a small yelp of surprise. He and Adelaide looked around to see Koda knelt beside the red ranger, looking tense.

"What's going on?" Adelaide asked.

"Smell the air," Koda said, sniffing.

"Uh," Chase frowned and looked to Adelaide who shrugged. "I don't think any of us can smell what you smell, dude."

Tyler's Dino Comm bleeped, and he answered it to reveal Kendall on the screen.

"Alien bio-signs in your area," Kendall warned them.

"Hey, shut down the E-Tracer," Tyler told Riley and Shelby quickly. He stuffed his dino comm back into his jacket pocket and turned to the others. "We need to get out of here now."

Adelaide and Chase jumped to their feet, each one reaching for their dino morphers that rested nearby.

Tyler shrugged his backpack onto his shoulders and grabbed the E-Tracer.

"Careful," Shelby warned him. "That's irreplaceable."

"Start the jeep," Riley said, quickly. "We're right behind you."

"I'll come with you," Adelaide said, appearing at Tyler's side. "If anything happens, my energem will protect us."

Tyler nodded and headed for his jeep, leaving the others to scan the area for any sign of Fury and his crew.

Adelaide scanned the road side as Tyler loaded the E-tracer into the box at the back of his jeep. He made sure it was secure before tossing his backpack onto the back floor and climbed into the driver's seat.

"Ade!" Tyler called, motioning for her to join him. She claimed the passenger's seat just as the others surrounded them, already morphed.

Adelaide frowned. "Why are you guys morphed?" she asked. "There's no one around."

Chase pressed a finger to his lips and pointed to the road ahead. An indication that Tyler should start driving.

"Okay, I'll get us out of here," Tyler said, starting the engine and driving away. Once they were a safe distance away, Tyler added. "The E-Tracer is safe now. You can demorph."

No sooner had he spoken, did the jeep gurgle and slow down.

"Why are we stopping?" Adelaide asked.

"I don't know," Tyler said. "I just tuned her up. She shouldn't be breaking down like this." He pulled over to the side of the road and got out.

Adelaide slumped in her seat and waited. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled and she looked over her shoulder, ready to hit Chase for annoying her. She paused and her eyes widened as she saw Koda and Riley taking the E-Tracer from its case. "Hey, what are you -?" she cut off as a hand wrapped around her mouth, silencing her.

Chase pulled Adelaide from her seat in the jeep and marched her around to the front.

Tyler looked up, he'd been on his dino com, and instantly fell into a defensive stance as the ranger holding Adelaide melted into a Vivix. "Let her go!" he demanded.

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