Scarlet's Story

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"Well, well, well, Tinkerbell, how much you've grown."

Adelaide laughed and turned in her seat, her eyes wide with amusement and excitement as she looked up at the brunette standing behind her. "You're here!" she exclaimed. "You're not supposed to be here until next week."

"I thought I would get in a little earlier," said the older woman. She opened her arms wide and smiled. "Don't I get a hug?"

Adelaide threw her arms around the woman, toppling herself off the stool in the process.

"Who's that?" Riley asked, as Tyler walked past. The red ranger shrugged and turned expectantly to Chase.

"That's Sasha," Chase replied. "Ade's older sister. Hey, Sasha," he added, calling to the woman. This would've been the first time he would've met her in person, but they had corresponded a few times over Skype.

"Hey, Chase, being good I hope," Sasha teased.

"Always," Chase defended. "It's your sister you want to watch out for, she always tries to lead me astray."

"I do not!" Adelaide exclaimed.

"Do too," Chase defended. "Just yesterday, you tried to convince me that crossing the canal was a good idea."

"At least I didn't try to walk on water," Adelaide defended.

Chase's grin dropped, and he narrowed his eyes at her. "I didn't try to walk on water," he said. "You pushed me."

Adelaide stuck out her tongue. "Nuh-huh," she said, shaking her head.

Sasha smirked as she looked between them. "From what I can tell, you're both still has bad as each other," she said. She then noticed the looks she was receiving from the others. "Oh, new faces, introductions, Ade?" she asked her sister.

"Oh, yeah!" Adelaide grinned. "We've got some new members to the team since the last time we spoke. This is, Riley, Tyler, and Shelby. You can guess what colours they are by their shirts."

Sasha smiled as she noticed the startled looks on the others faces.

"Wait, she knows?" Shelby asked. "How?"

"Yeah, Sasha played a huge influential part in me bonding to my energem."

"She did, you did?" Tyler asked.

Sasha nodded. "Believe me, I would change it if I could," she explained.

"She would," Adelaide agreed.


After her shift had ended, Adelaide and Sasha left the base and headed towards the park. They hadnt seen each other in person for nearly two years, and had major catching up to do. For sisters, they were close.

"How are mum and dad?" Adelaide asked, skating alongside Sasha.

"Theyre doing really good, they miss you though," Sasha answered.

"I miss them too. Im hoping to come home at the end of the summer, hopefully by then well have found all eleven energems."

"From what youve told me it sounds like a big task," Sasha said.

"It is, Adelaide agreed. But we have more people now."

Sasha nodded. "If youre safe, Ade, I dont care about much else, she said. Mum and Dad are still curious about why youre out here."

"What did you tell them?"

"I just reminded them of what you said before you left," Sasha said. "That you're travelling before college. I think they're worried though because the increase in monster activity. It's hard to stop them from calling when I know you're in battle. They'd only worry if you didnt answer."

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