Sync or Swim

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"Hey Koda, can you pass me that rope?"

Koda tossed the last rope across the back of the truck bed to Chase. They had been tasked with securing the museum truck with supplies that were required for the fossil fun day.

"Thanks," Chase grinned.

"That is everything," Tyler said, setting the last box on the back of the truck. He pushed the truck door into place to prevent any unsecured boxes from falling out.

Chase paused and looked around.

"What's up?" Tyler asked.

"Anyone seen Ade?" Chase asked.

The others shook their heads.

"Sasha's inside," said Shelby. "Maybe Adelaide's with her."

"Hey, wait, what's that?" Tyler asked looking up at the sound of a horse whining. The sound of galloping footsteps echoed from the tunnel at the end of the road and a magnificent white horse charged into view, astride the beautiful creature was Ivan clad in battle armour, and Adelaide, grinning and laughing like a five-year-old.

Chase rolled his eyes. "Found her," he announced.

"He's like something out of a romance novel," Shelby sighed, dreamily.

"You've got to be kidding me," Tyler muttered.

"Mate, he's literally a knight in shining armour," Chase said.

Reigning in the horse, Ivan lifted the visor of his helmet and glanced around at those present. He pulled his sword from its sheath at the side of the horse and raised it into the sky, "I come prepared for battle," he announced.

The crowd clamored closer, all of them snapping pictures of the knight.

"Digital portraits, eh?" Ivan asked, smiling. "Alright." He posed for the cameras as Adelaide laughed behind him. "Smile, Lady Adelaide," he told her.

Adelaide giggled harder and clung to Ivan as people snapped images of her too.

Walking out of the museum, Sasha paused and sighed, placing a hand over her eyes. "Oh, good grief," she said.

"What is it?" Kendall asked. "What's we -" she cut off as she spotted Ivan and Adelaide. "Oh, come on!" she whined. She stormed over and put her hands up to the crowd. "Nothing to see here, folks. The museum entrance is right over there," she pointed to the doors she had just come from.

The crowd groaned and dispersed.

"Thank you," Kendall said.

"What are you doing?" Sasha asked, setting down the bucket she was carrying and turning to Adelaide.

"Having fun," Adelaide grinned. She swung her leg over the horse and reached out to Sasha. "His name Nutcracker. The owner said he was born on Christmas Eve."

"Fascinating," Sasha said, helping her sister down. "I guess I should be glad you're not dressed as a damsel or something."

Adelaide's eyes glittered. "I did have the option," she said. "But it was too much effort."

"You're no damsel, Lady Adelaide," Ivan said.

"Wow, a horse ride and a compliment," Sasha said. "Someone's laying it on thick."

Ivan frowned. "I have no idea what that means," he said.

Chase chuckled and walked over, draping his arm across Adelaide's shoulder. "It means you're trying to woo her," he said.

"I think we need to get some clothes for Ivan that is a tad less... medieval," Kendall said. She had returned after dealing with the crowd.

Shelby gasped. "I can take you shopping!" she volunteered.

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