True Black

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Adelaide yawned as she watched Kendall and Sasha set all the equipment up.

"Late night?" Chase asked, leaning against the table beside her.

Adelaide nodded.

"I could hear you talking?"

"Late night Skype call with Caleb," Adelaide replied. "He's still in Cuba."

Chase grinned. "I have yet to meet your brothers," he said. "I hope they like me."

"Just be thankful you're not my boyfriend," Adelaide said. "If you think meeting my parents was bad." She shook her head.

"Is it too late to jump ship?"


Chase chuckled and ruffled her hair. "When am I meeting your family?" he asked. "I've already met Sasha, and you've already met my Mum and Chloe."

Adelaide shrugged. "You've already met my Mum and Dad," she said.

"Yeah, but I would like to meet Caleb and Jessie," Chase said.

"It's hard getting them both online at the same time, right now," Adelaide sighed. "Hopefully soon, they'll both be in the same country and we can Skype altogether. I really want you to meet them, I think they'll like you a lot."

Chase smiled. "Considering you never shut up about them, I feel like I already know them," he teased.

"I miss them!" Adelaide defended.

"I know," Chase said, holding up his hands. "You're also homesick when it comes to them."

Adelaide's smile dropped and she nodded. It was true. It had been so long since she had last seen her brothers, she was starting to feel homesick. She was lucky enough to Skype with them both at different times, but she really wanted to see them both together again.

"Are they really twins?" Chase asked.

"Yep, even though Caleb is three minutes older. It's actually a funny story," Adelaide grinned. "Because Caleb was born 31st December 1986 and Jessie was born 1st January 1987. So, even though they are twins, they're born in different years and in different months."

Chase's eyes widened in surprise. "How do you balance those birthdays?" he asked.

"We celebrate at midnight," Adelaide said. "Caleb obviously opens his cards and presents on his birthday, so does Jessie, but our family celebration doesn't take place until midnight. That way we celebrate both of them at the same time."

"Sounds exhausting," Chase admitted.

Adelaide shrugged. "You get used to it," she said. "Maybe one year, you can celebrate with us, uh?"

"You want me to come stay with you for New Year?"

"You can bring your Mum and Chloe," Adelaide said. "It'll be fun."

Chase hesitated. "Won't your parents mind that you're inviting me over for New Year?" he asked. "Don't you need permission?"

Adelaide shrugged.

"Little Princess Adelaide, need permission?" Sasha asked, catching the end of the conversation. "Please, be reasonable. On that note, we're ready when you are."

Chase looked from Sasha to Kendall and then grabbed his Dino Charger from the table. He morphed and turned to the wall at the other end of the clearing. "So, let me get this straight," he said to the two women. "You want me to fly through that concrete wall?"

"Correct," Kendall nodded. "The Dino Armour X Jaws are designed to be that tough. It works with black Energem power."

"Come on, hotshot, you can do this," Adelaide cheered.

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